Have and one tried The Micropouch Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass before?

While I was doing my research on Gastric Bypass, I came across a web page It said,The Miocropouch operation the very top of the stomach is completely divided.It not stapled . The division results in the creation of a small micropouch completely separate from the lower part of the stomach. This microporch is about the size of a grape. It states that food travels down the esophagus, through the micropouch and the intestine. It bypass the stomach. The bottom of the stomach no longer any food or liquids but the stomach will function because its nerve and blood supply are intact.The operation last 2 hours or less,patients now stay in the hospital for 4 days and 90% of patients lose more than 75% of their body weight in 2 years. I would like for soom of the doctor, nurses or anyone can tell me more about this type surgery. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 25, 2001)

August 25, 2001
It sounds like you are describing the roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery that most of us here have had, or are in the process of trying to get. Yes, the stomach is (or should be) completely transected so that there can be no staple line disruption. The "size of a grape" worries me a bit. My surgeon used "the size of my thumb" which is bigger than a grape. Do they have very large grapes in your part of the country?
   — Anne G.

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