I don't have the bloating sensation that many people talk about, should I?

I am only 6 days post-op and am drinking about 12oz of water, if that a day. First part of my question is, is that enough? Second part is, although I'm not craving foods, I can still eat about half dollar size pieces of chicken, 1 T of mashed potatoes, 1 in. peice of carrot and a half slice of zuccini for dinner without feeling bloated. All chewed VERY well btw. Why isn't that making me feel "full" or bloated. Is it because I'm not drinking enough through the day? I'm a little disturbed I was able to eat all that for dinner.    — KimBo36 (posted on July 22, 2001)

July 22, 2001
That is not enough fluids. If water is difficult for you add a little crystal lite , body quenchers worked well for me and it had traces of nutrients. Sip all day long. At 6 days post op are you allowed to eat solid foods like chicken? Before you even concern yourself with food ( we live off our own body fat, I'm sure) you MUST get your fluids in. If it becomes more difficult tell your doctor , although if you can eat chicken at 6 days you should be able to handle the water with no problem. Good luck.
   — Rose A.

July 22, 2001
I'm 6 days post op too, and drinking lots more fluids than that. First off, you have to get water in no matter what. The colder, the better, I've found. My DH bought a 2 1/2 gallon container of water, which is in the fridge. I refill my small 20 oz bottle from it several times daily. In addition, I'm drinking crystal lite and either flat diet root beer or flat diet ginger ale when I need a different taste. Also, I have at least two Oceanspray 25 calorie no sugar added popsicles a day (one mid morning, the other mid evening). I consider popsicles to be almost like drinking water. As for food, well, I had five town house crackers today, and pureed a hard boiled egg, but I'm not ready for chicken yet. Otherwise, I'm having only broth, jello, puddings and protein drinks.
   — Dee P.

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