Can you lose weight before surgery by drinking the protein shakes?

I was just wondering if you could try to get used to the taste of the protein shakes by drinking them before you have the surgery. Also, if you do start drinking them before surgery, would you lose weight or gain it?    — Kimberly H. (posted on February 1, 2001)

February 1, 2001
Hi. I drank the protien shakes a few times before surgery to try and get used to them, and they were gross before and after!!! I finally found a shake that I REALLY like, it is "Carb solutions" chocolate flavor. If you want to use protien to gain weight or muscle mass you would mix it with milk. We post-ops tend to use water and ice cubes- makes a nice frothy shake! I think chances are good that you could lose some weight prior to surgery using protien shakes temporarally like I said as long as you use water, and you use it as a meal replacement, not in addition to a meal. I hope this helps you some!! GOD BLESS!!
   — Lauren P.

February 1, 2001
Well, some of them take no getting used to. I love watching people taste my fave one. Their eyebrows jump around on their face and they demand to see the label because something THAT tasty CANNOT be good for you! I don't know, 32g of protein, 0g of sugar, pretty good for you! Yes, you can lose a few lbs by adding in one or two protein shakes a day, provided they are the near-0 sugar types and you don't add sugar with milk or juice. Everyone in my immediate sphere has tried them and lost 5-15# over time. No more, of course, but it killed off sugar cravings, so they lost a few. Until they stopped. Of course.
   — vitalady

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