I have been waiting so long........I can't stand it much longer. About a year ago I

went to the Bariatric Treatment Center. Met with the doctor in Schaumburg, Il and waited and waited for their expertise staff to handle my insurance. After 4 weeks I call their insurance center and got a voice message....tried several other times with no resolve. I got discourged and thought I could do it by myself. Well Nutri-system and Atkins only got me up another 20 lbs. Now I'm dealing with Weight for Life and it's been over a month since my original call. Although I feel it's going ok, I'm so afraid it's gonna end up the same. I guess my question is, did anyone eles have to go though a year with trying and is at the end of the rope?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 5, 2000)

September 18, 2003
I had my consultation at BTC in Belvidere in April. I have had lots of problems getting approved. I was told by my patient counselor to call the insurance dept. at BTC in a couple weeks to see if my file had been assigned. When I called, I was scolded for calling so soon. I called back a couple weeks later and my letter had been sent out... to the wrong person! Noone wanted to take the fax number I had obtained months before. I ended up doing the leg work myself to get the correct documents to what I was told were the right people. Turns out if I would have had the surgery by July 1, all would have been ok, however since so many things were done incorrectly by both my insurance and BTC's insurance department, I am now having to appeal to my insurance company. It took BTC's insurance lady three weeks to get out a letter and that only came after going through a patient counselor who I believe contacted a supervisor (which I had to do before too). So now I have to wait a few days to see if my appeal is accepted. My point here, is KEEP ON THEM! Call every day to see where your case is. Find out who your insurance case person is at BTC and don't take no for an answer! Good luck!!!!
   — Cathy M.

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