Does anyone know anything about Physician's Mutual?

My husband says we have Physician's Mutual insurance through a credit card company. They sent us a dental card, a lot of help that's going to be. LOL I've tried to go to their web site, but my computer won't let me. From what I understand it is some sort of insurance, but my husband can not find the paperwork on it. Any help would really be appreciated. THANK YOU! Niki    — Niki G. (posted on July 8, 2000)

July 8, 2000
Physician Mutual is a supplemental insurance. It pays what your regular insurance won't pay. It depends on the type of insurance you receive from them, $50. or $75 dollar a day for being in the hospital. up to $2500 a month. I hope this help. I don't have physician mutual it something they put in our news paper. I wish I had taken advanatage of it.
   — Sharon T.

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