Swollen belly, but bowels are moving

I am 2.5 years post-op; very successful medial RNY. I've had a bloated and swollen belly for a week now. This is usually gas for me and it goes away overnight, but not this time. I am having regular BM's and passing gas, but the belly is more swollen than ever. There is no unusual pain and no hardness anywhere. My diet is the same as it's always been, but I am eating more than usual due to breastfeeding my 2 month old baby. Any insights on what this may be?    — toolio (posted on October 12, 2005)

October 13, 2005
You might want to take this over to the Grad list. Someone may have already dealt with something like this and have some ideas for ways to describe these to your doc.
   — vitalady

October 13, 2005
If I were you, I would go see your doctor!
   — Novashannon

January 8, 2006
Did you ever find out what the cause was? I'm experiencing the same thing. thanks!
   — smarquina

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