My plastic surgeon wants to do a LBL but insurance only covers

a tummy tuck so that is all I will have done. Just wondering if anyone had just the tummy tuck done and still was left with excess skin on the back. Does it look there a roll of skin on your back and not your front? I am hoping clothes will hide this but just wondering if it will even be a problem.    — Jeannie4 (posted on August 11, 2004)

August 11, 2004
I just had my breast reduction, but I did talk to the nurse at my plastic surgeons office about a tt and the extra hanging skin on my back. She said that it sounded like I may want a extended abdomoplasty. She said that that this would include the extra skin on my back. You may want to ask your ps, if your insurance will cover a abdomoplasty then they may cover an extended abdomoplasty.
   — cindy

August 11, 2004
It would likely be in your best interest to come up with the extra money to cover the full LBL. It will be way cheaper doing it as a 2nd procedure to the TT than doing it at some point in the future. My insurance cover the full extended abdominoplasty and I covered the lateral thigh lift portion. These two procedures make up a lower body lift. I also had a 2nd PS where insurance covered the upper portion of an abdominoplasty or a panni removal above the waist. Could not be fully removed with the first procedure. I paid to have 4 liters of fat lipo'd out of my legs at the same time as the upper panni work was done. Done separately it would have been close to twice as much, especially because he preferred I stay in the hospital overnight because it was so extensive. I actually ended up stay 2 nights but insurance covered all of that because of the upper abdominal work. I paid $6800 for the lateral thich lift and $2750 for the lipo work. When I have the leg skin removed that will be totally my cost and it is $9000. I am considering having something additional done at the same time to save some cost. But it will be fairly, but still cheaper to do together.
   — zoedogcbr

August 12, 2004
How ironic just this morning I noticed the roll I had on my back is gone. I had a TT just 10 days ago and am still so swollen I can't fit into my pants yet. I wanted the LBL so bad but couldn't afford it. I hope the roll is gone forever on my back, the PS mentioned before he would be pulling the skin tight and that I wouldn't have the roll and so far he is right. I just wanted the LBL to bring up the skin on my butt.
   — jocelyn

August 22, 2004
Same situation here, and I am working double shifts and as much overtime as possible to pay the difference myself. Where there is a will there is a way.
   — **willow**

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