I went to the dentist today and was told I have at least 6 cavities...

and since I have only had 1 in my lifetime am wondering if this is related to WLS. I am wondering if I take the right amount/kind of calcium. My doctor's office just tells me to take TUMS which I have learned from this site is not the right kind to take. So I have been taking a liquid calcium & mag. This is what the bottle says: Vitamin D (As Natural Cholecalciferol) 300 IU 75% CALCIUM (AS CALCIUM PHOSPHATE, CALCIUM CITRATE, CALCIUM GLUCONATE, CALCIUM LACTATE) 600 Mg 60% Phosphorus (As Calcium Phosphate) 300 Mg 30% MAGNESIUM (AS MAGNESIUM OXIDE & MAGNESIUM CARBONATE) 300 Mg 75% Please help me out and let me know if this is the right stuff to be taking. I like the liquid because I know it is absorbed quickly, but am unsure of all these forms of calcium.    — Jeannie4 (posted on April 13, 2004)

April 13, 2004
The surgeon that I am going to says calcium citrate only. In other words, the other kinds of calcium are a waste of time and money. But I know that you have to have magnesium or D for the calcium to be absorbed. Both if possible. And the health food store is THE best place to get that. Tums is not acceptable as you have learned. If I can be of further help, let me know! Glad to help.
   — Candy M.

April 13, 2004
PS. Also I was instructed that it has to be liquid. 1200 per day on the calcium.
   — Candy M.

April 13, 2004
How much of the calcium is calcium citrate? How much of this are you taking daily? I suspect that there is not enough calcium citrate in what you're taking as it's only 1 of 4 different calcium types listed. Since we malabsorb a portion of everything we take in, I take a prenatal vitamin plus 3-500mg capsule of calcium citrate (also has 250mg magnesium, 200 IU vit D, 1mg boron, 33mg ipriflavone) daily. I just had a bone density scan yesterday and all is well so far. I think you need to find a supplement that is strictly the calcium citrate + Magnesium + Vit D combo and take 1500mg. of the calcium daily. Good Luck
   — Carolyn M.

April 13, 2004
In addition to the correct calcium, the cavities can be related to WLS in the following way: most of us are told to wait 30 - 60 min after eating to drink. Normally the food we eat is partially washed off our teeth as we drink with meals, but if we no longer do that the food will cling to the teeth (not great big chunks obviously!), and the bacteria that live in our mouths love it. This is the cause of cavities, not necessarily lack of calcium - although be sure to get that in! The remedy would be to swish right after eating or to brush your teeth right afterward. This was something another member here was told by their dental hygenist after they noticed an increase in cavities.
   — Ali M

April 13, 2004
I agree with doing a couple of rinse and spits or to brush after eating. My dentist told me the same as the previous poster-food clings to the teeth, the mouth is dry, the chemical reaction of saliva and food is acid forming. THIS is what causes cavities, not how much calcium you take or don't take. IT'S NOT ABOUT CALCIUM, It's all about the oral acids eating away at the enamel of your teeth. Therefore you have to reduce the acids and increase the strength of the enamel. Rinse and spit at least 4 times after eating and follow this with a flouride rinse. Do all of you know if your home and work drinking water is floridated? Bottled water usually is NOT. To avoid cavities--rinse after meals(liquid and/or solid) and use flouride rinse a couple of times a day. If you are a preop, start doing this now. Postops start now and keep the teeth you have. You will save yourself mega $$$ in dentist bills and save your ability to chew. Ps. I have worked in a dentists office, working with the dentist on patients. I've seen it all.
   — mary ann T.

April 13, 2004
I just went to the dentist also. I'm 7 months post op with no cavities. However, about a year ago I had all my teeth "sealed". I'm not sure if that is what made the difference or not but I thought I'd mention it. Sue
   — SJP

April 13, 2004
Since I have WLS 20 mos ago, all the enamel on my teeth disappeared, is it directly related? I don't know, never have teeth problems before, I don't vomit and have only gotten sick maybe 2X since surgery, so, its not like that causes the enamel to be gone.
   — heathercross

April 13, 2004
I'm six months out and just had a dental check up and all was fine but I will DEFINITELY follow the guidelines the previous poster outlined. I don't want to be a toothless skinny person! I do generally brush after every meal but will make this a priority now.
   —  SCbabe B.

April 13, 2004
Aloha! When I read your post and saw that you are taking TUMS, I couldn't help but respond. Though some surgeons and dietitians say it is OKAY to take supplements like TUMS, it really is not the appropriate calcium supplement post-gastric bypass. Here is why: Calcium carbonate (which Tums and Viactiv, etc. are) requires that hydrochloric acid be used to break it down. If you have had RNY, then the hydrochloric acid (stomach acid) is no longer in the pouch. It is in the unused portion of the stomach. Since the hydrochloric acid isn't present to break down the calcium carbonate, it simply moves from the pouch to the small intestine. It does finally make its way to the large intestine.. It is at this point that the hydrochloric acid meets up with the food and/or other things we eat. Since it is so late in the "digestive" process, there is almost ZERO chance that any of the calcium carbonate is absorbed. This is the reason why Calcium CITRATE is a better alternative and the most appropriate calcium supplement after RNY. Calcium Citrate is broken down in the small intestine which gives you more of a chance to absorb the supplement. If you take liquid, you even increase the absorption rate. Though some folks LOVE to take Viactiv because it is like getting a "legal candy fix", it really doesn't do a darn thing for you. You basically malabsorb all of the calcium you THINK you are getting. My recommendation would be to switch to a Calcium Citrate supplement. Hope this helps! Good luck! Kathie in Hawaii (Open RNY 08/04/02.. Down 186 pounds)
   — KathieInHawaii

April 13, 2004
For what is worth, both my surgeon and dentist tell me cavities are not related to WLS surgey
   — barbara A.

April 13, 2004
Do you take chewable vitamin C? I had heard that chewing vitamin C causes the tooth enamel to erode.
   — cat5dog1

April 13, 2004
Just want to add one thing... Don't know how long you've been using this dentist, but there are some out there that aren't ethical. Once I had a dentist tell me that my little daughters each had 3 cavities. Thank goodness I couldn't afford to get the work done that day! I ended up having insurance a month later and going to a different dentist who informed me their mouths were perfect! NO cavities. Can you imagine that this guy was going to subject my kids to that and drill healthy teeth?? Needless to say, I reported him. Just had to tell you this, I know it's unlikely, but...JUST IN CASE. Take care, Susy
   — sueboo

April 13, 2004
I second what Sue said..........many years ago, I changed to a new dentist because the old one retired. The new guy told me I had 10 cavities and that I should report the old guy because he had been treating me for years and did not fix them. He wanted to do ALL 10 of the cavities that day. Fortunately, I had my small children with me and could not do it. I thought about it and decided to go to another dentist. I had ZERO cavities. As a matter of fact, I've only had to have one cavity filled since then and it's been many, many years. I didn't report him as I should have but I heard that someone else did. I'm glad I got that second opinion!
   —  SCbabe B.

April 14, 2004
Original Poster here...thank you so much for all your helpful advice. I am considering a second opinion now after reading what Sue and Linda had to say. And to Kathleen, I never said I was taking TUMS for calcium, just that that is what my doctor recommends. I have been taking liquid Cal/Mag since surgery but am wondering if there is something better. Thanks for your input.
   — Jeannie4

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