Confessions of a post-op aspirin addict

I know most shreak back in horror when I tell them that, but I eat (yes, put in my mouth, chew up and swallow) aspirin every day. I crave it. My doctor feels it's a side result of being slightly anemic (PICA, I crave but DON'T eat, sand, cleanser, chalk, etc)....which I have been taking more iron last few months. However, I think I'm addicted to it now. I 've been doing this for almost a year, with no *apparent* consequence. I eat from 2-6 a day. Usually two. I only bleed a little more than normal when cut, my stool looks fine...and a nice side affect, my periods run smoother...However, I know that as a post op RNY'er, that I should NEVER take aspirin...yet here I am eating it, like candy. It doesn't seem to be affecting the active part of my stomach and you think it's wrecking havoc with the bypassed part? I won't ever go back to my surgeon, I don't like him for various this is going to be figured out by me, my primary, shrink and hopefully you guys. Without heavy drama, what do you think this can do to me physically in the long haul...I was never sensative to aspirin pre-op, and don't feel like I'm a big candidate for ulcers...what do you all think? Thanks folks. Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -140ish    — KimBo36 (posted on March 11, 2004)

March 11, 2004
I think you know what you have to do. Stop this ASAP. I take a 81 mg ASA. My surgeon says that is OK since it is enteric coated. You can have irritation of your intestine and stomach that result in tiny blood loss. Over time this can be a major problem. Have you had your labs done recently. Is your blood count good? Do you bruise easier than before? Please get this investigated before you have a big problem.
   — Linda Dianne E.

March 11, 2004
BE VERY CAREFUL!!!! Years ago I got cluster headaches, they were awful. Wake in middle of night in severe pain, worse than a migraine is what I was told. I was taking 3 or 4 daily. Anyhow these yellow cold pills really helped. Untill one night when I nearly bleed to death:( I had a GI large intestine bleed and lost 13 pints of blood. It rolled right out of me uncontrolably like liquid poop right to my ankles. My BP crashed, they were concerned for liver and kidney damage, and wanted to do surgery, possibly removing my large intestine, I would of worn a bag for the rest of my life. It was literally a life and death issue. I was under 40 at the time. If I had been older they said I would of died for sure. Turns out I have divertelocisis. SP? Sorry unsure of spelling. I posted this in rather graphic direct terms of the risks of excess aspirin intake, which happened to be the main ingreadient in those cold pills. Now what if you get a bad cut or are in a traffic accident? hit your head? Bleed in brain and stroke out. It MIGHT be worse than dying.... YOU MUST get off the aspirins, they are threatening your life. Now do whatever but you were warned. Oh and find a NEW surgeon for follow ups, better to have a expert treating the ulcers and other troubles you are putting yourself at risk for.
   — bob-haller

March 11, 2004
Can you try to figure out what causes the craving, and substitute something else? Is it the taste and texture, or the way you feel afterwards? Does it reduce some sort of pain? If it is indeed pica from iron deficiency, obviously the first response would be to aggressively treat the amemia, as you're doing. Have you had any recent lab tests for that? It's probably a chicken-or-egg thing since aspirin can cause bleeding which causes anemia. I know a lot of people with pica become addicted to crunching ice; obviously that's bad for your teeth, but probably healthier in the long run than crunching aspirin. Is there anything else that would work? Tums, sweet tarts, almonds? Some people like sunflower seeds or pistachios because of the concentration and time it takes to open them. You know you're playing with fire with the aspirin, so you need to figure out how to get off it. I know there are certain drugs that help people get off nicotine, perhaps your doctor can give you a short prescription for those.
   — Celia A.

March 11, 2004
I don't know how this will affect your pouch, but I know a gal who had horrible ulcers develop in her mouth from chewing aspirin. Took forever to heal as they became infected. Had to have a couple of them cut around and stitched closed. I hope you can kick the addiction!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2004
As Bob said, a sudden gastric bleed with no warning is probably the worst outcome. But one asks, what iron are you taking (and how) that you are not coming out of the anemia. It's good for you to recognize that any craving that seems irrational IS irrational and not get all involved with guilt and all that. PICA is very real. I was anemic for my entire life until a few years post-op. Go figure. I still prefer ice in my drinks, but I do not prefer it as a main course now! While you address the PICA (behavior) issue on one hand, please try other irons and be sure to follow the rules that iron dictates. Always taken with Vit C (I surely would nto do OJ, since that would be further bombardment of that tender tummy lining), never with caffeine or dairy, other vites, minerals or meds. Alone together for at least an hour. Also, ferrous sulfate is another time bomb. Not well absorbed and particularly violent on tummies. If you can get Rx iron, a really good one for our population is Chromagen Forte. It's not 100%, but it's gentle and way up there in success. However, it's kinda spendy if your insurance doesn't participate. There are a couple of other Rx and some very high dose OTC models, as well.
   — vitalady

March 11, 2004
Wow! Thanks all....I was so worried about posting this. I have gained a wealth of information. I am taking ferrous sulfate so I will look into switching...and I've been taking it with everything but calcium...taking calcium later in day...I'll swap the two. The sudden gastric bleeding is not what I expected...thank you for that heads up...I always thought it would be a gradual wearing away of lining....and it is at this point the taste and texture that I crave ...I like the way it dissolves in my mouth...I have used Tums and sweetarts as a sub.....I've tried using my vities...but they are yucky. I guess once I get my iron leveled out, I'll think aspirin is yucky too (the way I used to). Thanks again!!!
   — KimBo36

March 11, 2004
I'm your "canary". If something is GOING to hurt a pouch, it'll hurt me. It all did pre-op. But I guess I'm one of the lucky ones in that I'm doubled over in pain fairly immediately if a med was a bad idea or something. The people I've known with gastric bleed thought they were cast iron--not a hint at all. Someone like me is automatically susicious, because "everything" can hurt, since I was a kid! Our tiny pouches make us all candidates for trouble, though. Aspirin is too abrasive for many normies, so it's a high concentrate in your pouch. The texture thing fascinates me, but I think that's typical of PICA, yes? Some day, I want to know why low iron makes one crave things that have nothing whatsoever to do with iron. And it's all about texture
   — vitalady

March 13, 2004
Wal- mart sells biotin supplements. These pills are the same size and texture as aspirin but have a pleasent taste. They wont hurt the stomach or intestine and they will help with the hair thinning issue all while quenching your craving for aspirin. These are not chewables, but when faced with thinning hair and being told no pills...I tried it, quite pleasent.
   — hooterzgirl75

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