
I am bringing 7 bags of clothes that no longer fit to the January Staples Club meeting at Fair Oaks Hospital. i wanted to announce this bc there is alot of nice clothes, some even with the tags still on all from Lane Bryant, Hechts, Lord and Taylor, etc and I dont want any of you who need clothes to miss out! =P sizes range from 14-24. suite, jackets, casual, jeans, you name it! lots of trendy stuff! the clothing exchange is usually from 6-7 but i wont pack the leftovers up until after the meeting. i know how badly i have needed clothes so im sharing with you guys before good will. see you then and spread the word!    — Kymberly H. (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 6, 2004
Kimberly, I am very interested in the cloths you have. Please contact me when you have a chance. It's best if you e-mail me at [email protected]. Norma
   — leguing

January 7, 2004
Kymberly, I, too, brought many bags of clothes to the Staple Club as well as benefited from some of the giveaways while I was on the way down. Many women are in desperate need of work clothes too. And, even better, it frees up closet space so we can go out and buy more!!
   — Cindy R.

January 7, 2004
Thanks Kim, I'll be there. I'm in a 20-24, I think. I'm in desperate need of new clothes. I didn't make it last month so I am definitely going this month.
   — Morna B.

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