Has anyone else tried the apple melon isopure drink?

I'm a pre-op right now bot i'm trying out the different protein products. Maybe i'm just not use to the stuff yet...but it was nasty! Not at first but the aftertast was really bad! And it left a film in my mouth! Is this the norm and something i'm just going to have to get used to, or should i just try another flavor?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on September 28, 2003)

September 28, 2003
I had the same problem...I tried the fruit punch...I wish I knew of a way to make it better..I really cant drink it with that drying aftertaste.
   — Lisa F.

September 28, 2003
Try the grape flavor. I find it better tasting and less of that drying after taste.
   — Phyllis H.

September 29, 2003
I tried the apple melon, it was way too sweet. Tasted like very sweet canteloupe juice to me. I liked those drinks preop, but post op they are just too sweet.
   — beeda

September 29, 2003
HI, April these are the drinks I use. They are the best to me so far. I am not a chocolate person so these are good. The grape is my favorite, the apple was too sweet for me also. The way around that aftertaste is to make sure it is very, very cold. Sometimes I put the bottle in the freezer for a bit to get some ice in there. Good Luck to you!!
   — Des812

September 29, 2003
Especially as a new post-op, the taste will be too strong for you. I never liked the apple melon and preferred the grape frost and blue rasberry. I would pour it over ice and cut it in 1/2 with water to was palatable that way.
   — Cindy R.

September 29, 2003
The fruit punch over ice is delicious. Never cared much for the apple melon.
   — LLinderman

September 29, 2003
I however LOVE the apple melon. I too find that it must be cold. I freeze half of it in a 20 oz. water bottle the night before, then dump the rest in the next day. Keeps the drink cold and eliminates that danger of a glass bottle. I to can get a film sometimes in my mouth, sometimes some icky pleghm (sp). But here is the deal. I would rather deal with that than just about gagging everytime I tried to drink one of those nasty powdered drinks!
   — Michawn

September 29, 2003
I am pre op,but I love the apple melon flavor!I just bought 27 bottles of this stuff(different flavors) to prepare for surgery.I know that my taste will change but i can't tolerate any of the van,choc,straw kinds.I am afraid of not getting my protein in after surgery so I stocked up.
   — natalie J.

September 29, 2003
I dilute them with water to make 2 drinks and serve them with ice. They don't have much after taste that way!
   — jen41766

September 29, 2003
I adore, love, cherish, my Isopure in the glass bottles, but I too suffer with the aftertaste and the phlegm stuff. My best advice, is to get it really cold. Drink it down as fast as you can tolerate it and then drink some water to rinse it on down. (Immediately post-op I had a sippy cup filled with Isopure blue raspberry that I sipped on all day, and got in all 20oz and 40gms of protein). Still, this is MUCH better for me than having to suffer with the choc/van/strawberry shakes, that was like drinking pancake batter to me post-op. Good luck!
   — Sungurl B.

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