What is the 'skin test' to see if your dehydrated?

   — Jeannie4 (posted on August 27, 2003)

August 26, 2003
In children anyway, you pinch a bit of skin between your fingers (on the back of the hand), and if it doesn't pop right back, it means the child is dehydrated... however, you can become quite dehydrated before this test shows positive. Other signs are lack of saliva, decreased or no urination, dry eyes, etc....if you think you're dehydrated, or haven't been able to drink in a while, call your doctor right away, he/she may want you to come in for IV fluids.
   — Kelly B.

August 26, 2003
In an older person, use the forehead and try to pinch some skin up. If it stays "tented" it's likely the person is dehydrated. As we age, our skin naturally becomes looser, so the skin test is not real reliable.
   — koogy

August 27, 2003
The best test is the color of the urine-if its dark or dark and strong smelling, your not getting in enough water. Well hydrated it will look very pale yellow to almost colorless with no odor.
   — Cindy R.

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