What is the difference between protein shakes and bars??

Is one better than the other? I'm 7 months post op and have a horrible time tolerating the taste and smell of a protein shake, but I have found a protein bar that I like. Is there a problem substituting the shake for the bar??    — Sara N. (posted on August 13, 2003)

August 13, 2003
Sara, You're not alone in that Protein Shake opinion...there are many of us!! For me, I say however you can get that protein in ~ Go For It!! I love the Detour, Uturn and other ABB (American Body Builder) Protein Bars. They even make a canned shake & fruit punch that I like very much. I get them at a local gym. If you find any high protein product you like - ENJOY!! Open RNY 1/3/03 330/215/175
   — chelle3081

August 13, 2003
The main difference that I have found is that the bars seem to generally have more calories and more carbs per gram of protein than the shakes do. I think that if you have not found a shake that you like then keep trying. I found one at Trader Joes that tastes exactly like Yoohoo called Pure Protein. I also like the Real Meals and have used them since 1 week post op. As far as bars go I like the Detour and Uturn as well as Balance bars. I have really stopped the bars as I have gotten further out because they no longer fill me up for long and they have a lot of calories if they taste good. I save them for that time of the month when I NEED chocolate and would otherwise eat something I would later regret. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

August 13, 2003
Although Carol is my nutritional guru to whom I typically defer on such issues (even though she sometimes comes to Support Group meetings draped in donut crumbs), I would suggest trying the Isopure Zero Carb drinks; they have 15 grams of protein and no carbs. The Isopure is a clear liquid, not filling, but is hydrating. Also, I tend to use the Atkins bars because they tend to be low in net carbs and very filling (in part because they make me sick to my stomach)-- but, hey, filling is filling. So far, the best protein shake mix I've found is the Twin Labs stuff which they market for body builders (a profession from which I am as far removed as is humanly possible); however, because of the junk they add to help build muscle mass, it is not recommended as a daily shake for more than a couple of weeks at a stretch. [Lastly, y'all realize that I was just joking about Carol-- not about her nutritional knowledge but about the donuts, right?]
   — SteveColarossi

August 14, 2003
In my opinion, the difference between protein shakes and protein bars is do you like your cardboard chewy or drinkable?? lol!! Once you find a good bar, stick with it! Good ones are hard to find!! Be careful of calories, amounts of protein, carbs, etc. in your bars, though. You can get more in a bar than you can in a shake. The bars I sell only have 4 carbs in them... they taste kind of like a thick, chewy taffy with a crunch in them. They do NOT taste like vitamins becasue the company doesn't put any of that extra stuff in them... they are simply protein bars! Now, the shakes I sell... to me, while they taste better than most... also taste worse than some! LOL!! I am a bar person, can you tell?? Anyway, like I said... watch the carb content vs. the amount of protein you get and you should be fine! :~) Good Luck!!
   — Sharon m. B.

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