After I eat a 'meal', and then stand up, I kind of get this pulling pain.
It makes me want to bend over and stay there for a little while. It's not a bad pain, just kind of pulling in the stomach, and only after I eat. I don't eat enough to throw up or hurt any other way, so I don't think it's that. After a while I can straighten up without feeling it. What is it???? Does anyone else get it? — Kimberley E. (posted on June 8, 2003)
June 8, 2003
YES!!! i've gotten that same feeling since about 3 months post op and i'm
now out 9 months. i have no idea but i don't like it and no one seems to
have an answer for me either. kind of nice to know that i'm not the only
one who is feeling it though. if you have someone that gives you an
answer, please email me! [email protected] good luck!!
— Christie N.
June 8, 2003
You mean, I wasn't the only one who needed to stretch after eating in the
10 week to 5 month period? After finishing my meals, I would typically
need to stand up and stretch (as I was very uncomfortable sitting down) and
then bend over, One medical professional (not my surgeon) explained that
peristalsis in the intestines takes time to get back to normal and that
progression is thrown off when the patient introduces new foods. The
twitches experienced by the intestines may be the cause this stomach
discomfort. Fotrunately, it passes. And, even as annoying as this
discomfort is, I still find it preferable to my old life where I could have
eaten anything and not felt it in my stomnach.
— SteveColarossi
June 8, 2003
Oh my goodness! I am surprised to see others go through this too!. I am
11mos post-op and have experienced this for a few months. It almost seems
that I eat too much, or eat too much of a heavy, solid food. Usually I eat
a Rolaid and wait a couple minutes and i'm fine. But yes, I get a tight
muscle spasm like feeling when i go to stand up! Wierd, I dunno w hat this
is either but I'll ask my doc next month when i go. good luck!
— Sunny4x4chick
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