How can I prevent my hair from falling out?

I'm 3months post op and my hair has been falling out. I feel like it wont stop and it has gotten to the point that you can see my scalp. Should I cut it or will the hairloss be more obvious? I have waist length hair. Also, I wanted to dye it, should I do it or not? :(    — aida (posted on May 27, 2003)

May 27, 2003
Usually the only thing that can help is to eat more protein. So up your daily intake ALOT. But even then, that doesn't always work. I ate alot of protein and still lost my hair, just the way it goes unfortunately. Some people take special vitamins (not sure of specifics), I didn't bother with them. Usually cutting your hair does make it look better, so that can be an option. I would advise against the dye though until it stops. Don't worry- it will grow back! :-) Goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

May 27, 2003
Dear Aida: I promise, the hair loss will stop. This is a very common thing after any type of surgery. As a retired stylist (had to give it up due to arthritis), I would advise against coloring at this point, because when the new hair comes in, it will look uneven, and maybe blotchy. A cut would make it look fuller, but you don't really have to go drastic. Maybe some long, face framing layers, and try parting it to one side or the other. Sometimes a little change makes a big difference! There is a line of products on the market that you can buy in salons and it is designed for thinning hair...It's called Nioxin. You may have to call a few different salons to see if they carry it. I've heard of some people taking prenatal vitamins or the vitamin "biotin" but I don't know first hand how well those work. I've heard very good things about Nioxin, though. Good luck on your journey, I hope this info helps! Feel free to e-mail me if I can help you further.
   — Moysa B.

May 27, 2003
I guess I am ahead of the game... I am pre-op and most of my hair is already gone... ;)
   — Tim W.

May 27, 2003
I am now of the belief that there is not a thing you can do about hair loss! I take prenatal vitamins and get a minimum of 75 grams of protein a day and usually way more. It is still coming out in a big huge way! I did cut my hair shorter so that I can cover it up a bit and it seems to be working. No one can really notice it unless they take a good look. Good Luck!!!
   — Carol S.

May 28, 2003
I was looking through someone's profile the other day...I only wish I could remember who...anyway, they had a link to an article at a low-carb site that talked about hair loss that was quite informative. Basically, it said that when someone has surgery, encounters a major 'stress', or even loses weight quickly that the hair essentially goes into a phase that, unfortunately, I can't remember the name of - but is essentially a 'sleep' stage for a short time and then starts back up again. The problem is that the 'sleep' stage occurs 3-4 months before the new growth begins pushing out the old hair...or something like that. Anyway, by the time your hair is falling out, there is nothing you can do about it. But, you can rest assured knowing that the new hair is already on it's way!
   — eaamc

May 28, 2003
All the above advice is great. The only two things I have to say is 1). Buy some Adrian Arpel Signature Club A thickening shampoo. It works! It is sold on HSN and ebay (much cheaper usually on ebay). 2). Do a keyword search on whatever ISP you use. Try 'hair loss' as a keyword. It should provide you with possible solutions and definitely some information. Good luck! It will grow back and it will be beautiful again.
   — Melanie H.

May 28, 2003
NIOXIN works good
   — roxxyblue72

August 19, 2004
I take noni juice that has helped me. Its an herbal medicine that you can get at a health store. Best to get 100% noni juice. It also lowers colestrol, highblood pressure and etc. If you want to read more on it go to Thanks, Loretta
   — Loretta D.

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