Has anyone had a abnormal EKG and whatdid you have to do and did you still have surge

   — Debbie E. (posted on April 4, 2003)

April 4, 2003
Yes, just a couple of weeks before surgery my EKG was abnormal. I was referred to a cardiologist for a non-stress stress test. It was pretty easy but it takes several hours. An IV is started and a baseline echocardiogram was taken. Then you are hooked up to an EKG and receive an injection into the IV that speeds your heart up. Once e test is over you have about an hour and a half before you have the final echocardiogram. These tests rule out any heart problem that could cause a problem during surgery. My results were ok so the surgery was performed on schedule. Good luck. I am two months post op VBG down 32 lbs.
   — Alma W.

April 4, 2003
I have an abnormal EKG, and many women do because of the amount of breast tissue on thier chest,sometimes that can cause an abnormal ekg. Or there could be an uderlying problem. I was refered to a cardiologist, and he preformed a non treadmill stress test with persatine injection,and a contrast dye to take nuecler pictures of my heart resting and after the stress test. Thank God my heart is ok, and I am cleared for surgery which is scheduled on April 24. Good luck on your journey
   — wizz46

April 4, 2003
I had not only an abnormal EKG but heart valve damage from Phen/Fen. Having said that it was my cardioligist who wrote a letter in favor of the surgery. I had the surgery 1/15/03 and I am 45 pounds down. So it is possible!
   — Laura K.

April 4, 2003
Hi, I had 2 abnormal EKG's and went to a cardiologist where he did a ECHO test on me. He thought I had a silent heart attack. My test came back showing some slight damage from the Redux and Phentermine I had taken and I also had some heart wall thickening. I was able to have my Lap Rny surgery on 3/27/03. I wish you Good Luck and don't worry. It will all work out, take care, Cheryl
   — cherby56

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