Been out for awhile and need to restart the liquid diet to reshrink stomach

How do you start the liquids again? Right after Post Op we can't drink as much. Don't you get more hungry since everything goes through so fast since we have healed? Never was into the Protein shakes, did soups, jello, broth. I still can do my water and that is where my thoughts come from. Any suggestions?????    — Janie H. (posted on March 29, 2003)

March 29, 2003
I went back to a liquid diet about 2 weeks ago. I felt out of control and wanted to try to "reset" my pouch. I did full liquids for 4 days: water, protein drinks and soups. I didn't find that it really shrank my pouch much and I haven't tried sugar to see if it reset my dump-o-meter. But, what it did help me do was to regain control of my eating. I felt detoxed and that I had a fresh start again. I hadn't lost any weight for several months and in the last 2 weeks I've lost 5 pounds. It's worth a try! Good luck!
   — Brenda H.

March 29, 2003
Janie, I was thinking about that too, how-ever rather then going back on the shakes, I decided to try the atkins diet, man the first couple of days were hard, really hard, I'm on day 6 and have lost 6 pounds, go figure and I'm eating steak ! Not sure how this diet works, but it's really helped me control my snacking and carbs O'holic ways. Might want to check into it. Post op 10 months down 127 pounds
   — tannedtigress

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