Blood pressure pills after the surgery

My suregry is scheduled for 1/30/02. SInce we are on a liquid diet right after surgery how does one take blood pressure pill?    — Bypass S. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
Every surgeon is diferent But I didn't even need it until day #5 after surgery( they didn't give me any) and then they started me back on it and I have taken without a problem since then..Talk to your surgeon, don't worry about it..Good luck.
   — Sharon1964

January 26, 2003
The surgeon was aware of my medications before the surgery. On day #2 (AFTER the dreaded catheter was finally removed), la nurse came with crushed pills. I was not happy. I made her call the surgeon and have taken whole pills ever since. My surgeon is rather liberal so it worked ok. The rule of thumb was if it was bigger than an M and M it was a "no go"... but.... I never had problems with pills of any size from that moment. By the way the reason I got upset with the crushed pills was they tried to give me crushed Percocet... no way.... I got the real thing. Anyway, 3 and a half months later, down 74 and I have to say that this is the BEST thing I EVER EVER did for myself. Good luck to you. If you need any further info, email at Dakingfish is fine.
   — Steve B.

January 27, 2003
For the first day or so post-op, they gave me something in my IV that was supposed to help maintain my blood pressure. Once I passed the leak test and could drink, they brought me my regular BP meds. Mine (atenolol) is not very big, and the doctor said it was ok to cut without splitting it and I had no problem taking it whole.
   — sandsonik

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