Has anyone else experienced this problem?

I am 5 weeks post op (open RNY) and have a hole at the very top of my incision. It is big enough to stick your pinkie finger into. It is not sore, doesn't hurt, and isn't red or draining but I am a little concerned because it is kind of deep. Every other part of my incision looks great. I would greatly appreciate any input or advice concerning this problem.    — Angela M. (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 7, 2003
This sounds like something to show your surgeon, before it becomes infected or gets larger.
   — Nancy T.

January 7, 2003
Call your surgeon.
   — barbara A.

January 8, 2003
I definitely agree with the previous posters, your surgeon should take a look at the opening. But, I also wanted to let you know that you are not the only one this has happened to. I had an opening at the top of my incision as well. Mine was about as big around as a Bic pen. When they took the bandages off my incision in the hospital, I noticed that under my staples the edges of my incision (my skin) overlapped slightly. It was just the area of skin under the top two staples. The rest of my incision looked like a perfect seam. I had an allergic reaction to the staples, and they had to be removed almost a week ahead of schedule. Over the next week or so, I noticed that the overlapping area at the top of my incision was changing. It eventually opened to the size of a pen. I saw Dr. Lindsay, and she said it was nothing to worry about. She said that my "apple shape" caused the weight of my stomach to pull on my incision. That was the weakest spot, so that's where it opened up. I dabbed it with antibiotic ointment after my shower each day, and I even kept it covered with a small bandage for a couple weeks. The bandage was mostly to any lint from my clothes from getting in there. It closed up fairly quickly and I had no problems. I am 6 months post-op today, and my "hole" is mow fading just like the rest of my incision. So certainly contact your doctor, but don't be too worried. Have a great day!
   — Jenny S.

January 8, 2003
I had the same problem but i had 2 holes at the bottom of my incision. I agree you should see your surgeon but mine told me to just keep neosporin on it and keep it clean and covered. Mine was so deep that when i saw the surgeon he stuck one of those long q tips down it with the stick side and swished it around it didnt hurt but it grossed me out.It took about 2 months after surgery before they completly closed up. I hope this helps.
   — qtalleycat68

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