I am only loseing approx 10 pounds a month is this ok?

I am nine weeks post op and have only lost 43 pounds it seems so slow to me.    — Tracey H. (posted on December 11, 2002)

December 11, 2002
Are you nuts? What diet have you ever been on where you consistently lost 10 pounds a month? Not giving you a hard time, just bringing you back to reality. I am 5 months post-op and have lost 67 pounds...I know there are times our old mentality comes back where we say, "It just isn't fast enough!" but you need to give yourself a reality check, and remind yourself also that this weight should never come back either! What a gift! Look at the before and after pictures for inspiration and know you will get there! You are doing great!
   — missmollyk

December 12, 2002
hi there tracey :) hang in there, you are doing just fine! :) the weight will come off! :)
   — carrie M.

December 12, 2002
I think you are right on target. I lost about 50 pounds in the first two months and then the weight loss took off. I am 4 months post op and down 100 pounds. I think once that first 50 comes off you will start to really be excited about it.
   — tulagirl

December 12, 2002
You are doing great! I said to my surgeon's nurse "I am losing but I don't think I'm losing fast enough." She said "Every person that comes through that door says the same thing." I thought that was so funny. Brought me back to reality! We all want to lose fast, but we will lose when our body is good & ready to. Good luck to you hun & congrats on the 43 pounds!! Hugs,
   — Valerie B.

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