I am 5 1/2 weeks post op

I have only lost 30 pounds and I am stuck. I lost 20 pounds my first two weeks and only 10 pounds in 4 weeks what am I doing wrong?    — Tracey H. (posted on November 9, 2002)

November 9, 2002
YOur not doing anything wrong! I am almost 5 weeks post-op, the first two weeks I lost 22 pd, then the scale stopped for 10 days! One day it dropped another 5 pounds and stopped again til yesterday when it dropped one more. I have lost a total of 28 pds now. My doctor said, STOP LOOKING AT THE SCALE SO MUCH! The weight WILL come off, there is no way it cant. THere are so many things that affect the weight of our bodies. Our cycles,water,just the fact alone that our bodies have gone through a lot! You have done wonderful! Keep positive and try to weigh only once a week or once every two weeks if you can avoid the scale. I know its hard to do!! Gail RNY/Lap 10/08/02 241/213/?
   — wassail76

November 10, 2002
Don't sweat it! I am 6 weeks post-op and down 34#. Sounds like you are doing fine!
   — Debbie W.

November 10, 2002

   — wemax2

November 10, 2002
Don't freak out over the scale!! At 4 weeks I had lost 36 pounds and then stayed there for over 3 weeks. I'm now down 51 pounds at 10 weeks. It will come off. It helped when became a bit more dedicated to the exercise. I notice that I won't loose for a while but my clothes get baggy and then the scale catches up (well down actually). Good luck.
   — Debbie F.

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