Can a low thyroid keep me from getting insurance approval?

My insurance is requiring that my PCP send them a letter that states she has ruled out any endocrine disorders as a cause for my obesity. So I had labs drawn yesterday and everything was perfectly WNL, except my TSH was high, which means my thyroid is low, and now she'll probably be putting me on synthroid or something like it. Is it now likely that the insurance is going to say, "AHA! We can't possibly approve this surgery when the obvious cause of your obesity is a low thyroid."?    — Teri W. (posted on November 1, 2002)

November 1, 2002
I had my thyroids tested a week ago and it shows I have hypothyroids ( I never had them tested before)....I was getting tested because of my insurance too. My PCP already sent out the letter & the results to my insurance and now I am waiting to see what happens next. By the way he prescribed me Synthroids....good luck!
   — SxySalsa

November 1, 2002
I wouldn't worry too much. I have hypothyroidism and I have been approved. My Dr said my levels must be right or I won't he won't do surgery because it slow the healing process. I take synthroid everyday, and my levels are good, but I have not lost weight. I've had it for 12yrs now, so don't worry. Take your medicine and your levels will be fine. Take care and good luck.
   — Maryellen C.

November 1, 2002
it all depends on you insurance company. Yes, some of them are denying you until you have been on synthroid for a few months and it is proven that that is not the cause of the weight problem. Good luck to you!!
   — Vicki L.

November 2, 2002
It depends on who is handling your insurance approval for the WLS. Hopefully being hypothyroid will add another comorbidity to your list and help you gain approval for WLS. Worst case basis the insurance co may want to see if being on Synthroid for a couple of months would decrease your weight. I was hypothyroid with Hashimotos autoimmune disease and it helped get my surgery approved. I have been on Synthroid for 15 years and it never helped my weight situation. ciao, Suze
   — SusanMaria

November 2, 2002
I am on synthroid and had no problems getting approved for surgery. I have been on it almost a year though. You will probably have to be on meds long enough for your levels to be in the normal range before surgery, but hopefully that won't take long. I was told by my doc that low thyroid can only account for 20-25 lbs. of excess weight, not morbid obesity.
   — sheltie

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