Problem with nerves and throwing up

I have noticed that any time I get nervous I get very sick. I am not the weak stomach type. I threw up in the middle of a first date with a guy, at a party where I didn't know many people then again after watching t.v all day on 9/11. Has anyone else noticed this?    — Suzie E. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Well I've noticed that since WLS I don't dare eat when I'm nervous or upset. It ties my stomach in painful knots and I'll often throw up.
   — Danmark

September 13, 2002
I have a 3 1/2 year old son who can be very loud. If he starts getting noisy (tantrum or just plain playing), it stresses me out and I usually end up throwing up. Often now, my husband takes him outside or distracts him with a game so I can have dinner in peace. LOL Also at work, I notice the more stressful it is there, the more gurgles I get. I haven't thrown-up there though. My esophogus just sounds like a blocked drain that drano is trying to get through. So I just stop eating and get up and walk around. Then it goes away. The further post-op I get the less of a problem it is.
   — LisaTaz

September 13, 2002
I'm with Daniel on this one...I NEVER eat when upset or mad. When I get mad, I tend to overeat and when I'm nervous or upset, I tend to go toward carbs or sugar...ALL ARE NO-NO' I guess the moral to this story is, when upset or mad, simply have a nice glass of water or ice tea till it blows over.....I found out the hard way...over the toilet throwing it all back up (severe dumping)....
   — Joi G.

September 14, 2002
I am with Lisa. The few times I have gotten sick (I am just 8 weeks out open RNY) my 2 year ols has been having a fit, being noisy or whatever. I am also going out the other end when I get nervous at work.
   — MF

September 14, 2002
Same for me too! I noticed that the few times that I got sick after eating was because I was tense, upset and/or nervous about something. I also noticed that if I am worried about being late for an appointment because I scheduled it too close to a meal I feel my stomach "close" right off and I begin to worry that I will get sick. I try to avoid these situations but heck sometimes life just gets in the way of my best efforts. My family is aware of this problem and has really tried to reduce the "stress" in our home around meal times. They'll even joke with me and tell me to relax or else you will reject your dinner. :-) They are the best!
   — Suzanne F.

September 14, 2002
The first time it happened to me was a real eye opener. I was driving and had gotten upset when someone cut me off. I sat there and rant and raved for about 10 minutes and started feeling the physical effects of my "stress fit" about 5 minutes later. I tried to describe it to my husband and said "It's like a new puppy who is nervous, mad, angry and excited all at the same time. The puppy scrunches up, won't let anyone touch him and is scared he's going to pee the floor." Since the my husband has nicknamed my new stomach "Spot". Gotta laugh at it...and I guess I've got to learn to handle my stress in more creative ways or "Spot" will be terribly upset! :)
   — Cathy S.

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