Have you seen these websites?

2 AMAZING STORIES: and    — Sharon H. (posted on August 23, 2002)

August 23, 2002
Sharon, OMG!!! They were my first words. Of course I went right to the pictures of the woman. The pics of the reconstructive surgery I must admit scared me because I am only 50lbs lighter then she was and I am having surgery this Oct. I am younger then this lady but I don't think thats going to make that much of a difference with the loose skin. Of course this doesn't change my mind about the surgery, but it makes you realize just how much you have to go threw even after you lose the weight. In the end the woman looks great. Also the mans story was amazing and he looks like a totally new person. Thanks for sharing these web sites.
   — Lori M.

August 23, 2002
Thank you for listing these links. I am inspired beyond words at both of their stories. I bookmarked them on my favorites so when I start feeling sorry for myself I can be reminded that it can be done. Others have faced greater odds and succeeded, I can too.
   — Carrie R.

August 23, 2002
Regarding big pete he is a very nice man. He went to see me several days after surgery. He looked great even my husband thought he looked like a movie star lol! He is a true inspiration.
   — r R.

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