Surgery is in 3 days.

The hospital just called with the time for me to be at the hospital monday. I feel like there is a million and one things I should be doing. But I just don't know what. I have got my vitamins, and things I need for 2 weeks since I will be on liquids. Any advice, or it just my nerves? I dont feel nervous though.    — Shavonne P. (posted on August 16, 2002)

August 16, 2002
First of all, congrats on your surgery date!!! If you have everything you need in order at your house (groceries, including plenty of toilet paper, and lots of water), have you made a packing list for the hospital? If you have, perhaps set everything aside to take with you and cross things off your list. (By the way, I took lots of stuff with me: walkman, cd's, puzzle book, etc. and I never used any of that stuff!) When you are at a place where you think you are all prepared, take time out to do something nice for yourself. Like a candlelit bubble bath, or have someone give you a massage or foot rub, or whatever it is you like to do that makes you feel great. It's normal to be nervous. Concentrate on how good you will feel after you have lost a bunch of weight. Good luck on your journey! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

August 16, 2002
Congrats on your date being so close. You must be a bundle of nerves. Just relax and make sure everything is ready. Get your house in order and make sure you have everything you need for the hospital. Try to be with your family and/or supporters as much as possible and if there is a support group in your area that meets before surgery, try to attend it. You will receive more tips from there. Good luck and God bless. THe surgery is easy, the recovery is the real test. Just do what you are told and you will be fine.
   — Lawrence R.

August 16, 2002
Shivonne, I will be praying for you, and I know you will do great!! Please post and let us know how you are doing/ Again, my prayers are w/you, and I will pray that you will have perfect peace all through surgery/ Patti Meadows e-mail: [email protected]
   — peppermintp

August 16, 2002
My head was swimming with a million thoughts right before my surgery. It sounds like you're doing just fine, but I'll let you in on some of the things I did to get prepared. I got my house really, really clean - knowing that I wouldn't be able to do that for awhile. I also changed all the linens. I got all my food, vitamins, water, and crystal light purchased prior to surgery and had them all organized together in one cupboard. I purchased a pill cutter in case I needed to cut pills in half (which I have used a LOT). I also purchased a daily pill reminder box and have used it to organize all my supplements and prescription medications. I threw out my ibuprofen (Advil) and bought acetominiphin (Tylenol)instead. I purchased a package of maxi pads to bring with me to the hospital in case I started bleeding afterward (which I did). Many women will get a period after surgery, even though they might not be on schedule to. I was happy to have my preferred brand of pads rather than the scratchy, generic hospital version. I bought myself a nice pair of slippers for walking around the hospital in. Don't forget....try to walk a LOT. It makes a big difference. I took before and after photographs, charted my current weight. I intended to take measurements as well, but forgot. Lastly, I wrote in a journal that I've kept for my daughter since she was born. If anything happened to me, I wanted her to understand why I chose to have the surgery and also how much she meant to me. I'm so happy that nothing happened, but it did make me feel better going in knowing that there would be a special message for her someday in case something did happen. I also made sure I had babysitters lined up for a couple weeks (which ended up being months) since I wouldn't be able to care for her all by myself. Don't forget you won't be able to lift more than a gallon of milk for about 6-8 weeks! Oh! I also asked my mom to prepare me a meal of all my favorite foods prior to surgery (not the night before, but close). I had spaghetti, baking powder biscuits, corn on the cob and a delicious chocolate cream-cheese pie for dessert. Yummmmm. You'll do fine! Make sure you post and let everyone know how you did. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. GOOD LUCK! -Heidi- (post op lap rny 6/17/02)
   — Heidi W.

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