What Do I need to get before surgery?

I was scheduled yesterday for surgery for August 19th. I feel like there are a million and one things I should be doing, but I just don't know what!! Can anyone help me out? Should I be out buying things, or stocking up on things??    — Shavonne P. (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 11, 2002
Congrats on your surgery date. My surgery is scheduled for July 17th. Just a few suggestions: I invested in a heating pad it seems like everyone on this site suggested it, not to mention my doc. I also invested in the things that my doc said that i would need after my surgery like Tums with calcium & chewable multi-vitamins. I also bought the Designer Protein shake that I will be using for the next few weeks. And some SUGAR FREE Popsicles, crystal light, etc. Like I said just a few suggestions. But as your big day approaches I'm sure your doc will have a few suggestions of his own. Good Luck.
   — RD S.

July 11, 2002
Hi All surgery advice is different but the dietician we met with said we could have cream of wheat and other warm smooth cooked cereals, cream soups, cottage cheese, yogurt, carnation instant breakfast, sugar free pudding, decalf teas, sugar free hot choc mix, egg beaters, instant mashed potatoes and of course the protein drinks. Good Luck and feel free to e mail me anytime. I will do my be to help you.
   — Sandy B.

July 11, 2002
1st of all congradulations on your date. 2nd of all I am pre-op and I know alot of people will answer this with what items you need and food you can eat. There are a few things that are always important. 1st you need to start walking. even if it is a short distance because you dont want to get a blood clot. walking is key. 2nd you need to quit smoking if you are a smoker because you can get pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. 3rd you need to start lifting some small weights or use one of those thick rubber tubes to stretch and build muscle because you will need to rely on your muscles in your arms more when getting in and out of bed. 4th you need to practice your breathing. Blow a balloon 10 -15 times a day 10 times each. This will assist in prevention of lung problems and pulmonary embolism....I know these are key and I have done all of them every day and I quit smoking a month ago....You can buy whatever you need up to the last minute but your body needs to be prepared so there is no or minimal complications....much love, jenna
   — Jenna M.

July 11, 2002
Congratulations on the date! Just think of how great you will look in those Christmas pictures! I just got back from having surgery on Monday. I had the lap. RN&Y. Just wanted to share a couple of things that I took to the hospital that really made a difference. My own pillow - all the hospital pillows are covered in plastic and made me hot! A change of pillowcase - 'cause you will sweat. Your own toiletries - your first shower will be wonderful anyway, but even better with your own shampoo and soap. By the way - found out that I really didn't look that bad without gel or mousse in my hair. Also, take a small notebook and pen too. You will have lots of little questions that you think your drugged brain should remember, but won't. At home I have lots of pillows on the bed. I am a side sleeper so that sleeping on my back in painful. I have slept on my side propped - as it were- by two regular pillows. If I had thought about it, I would have gotten a body pillow for each side. I knowo this is long, but a few more things. The remote, thermometer, box of tissues and garbage can are all right near my bed on the nightstand. Helps not to have to hunt for them. The thermometer is because I have asthma and my lungs are having a harder time re-inflating completely. If my temp goes about 99.9 I might have pneumonia. Other than that, refill your perscriptions before going in. I filled mine on the week before and got delayed due to everyone being away for the July 4th holiday. I only needed approval on one, but that one stayed there for the last week because my dr. was out of town. Good luck!
   — Melanie R.

July 12, 2002
What I used was 3oz bathroom cups for my liquids an food such as pudding, jello. Also buy a baby spoon an fork this will help on the amount you can put in your stomach at one time. Hope this helps, and congrads on your date!
   — Wendy G.

July 12, 2002
Yes..yes..yes..congratulations on your upcoming surgery - I know how thrilled you must be. I highly suggest getting baby wipes (the adult/flushable kind)along with vaseline if your going to have a bowel prep the day/night before surgery. This was a life-saver for me - the bowel prep will have you running to the bathroom often. If you put a generous amount of vaseline on your bumm before even taking that first medication and then wipe with the flushable wipes in between and medicating your behind after each bathroom run - it will literally save you from being raw and in pain from the BBH (burning bumm h)syndrome in the'll get a peaceful night sleep the night before and will be ready to face the big challenge for the next day. Best of luck to you.
   — Lisa J.

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