Will I be able to ride at 6 flags?

We are leaving today for 6 Flags Great America in IL. I am a size 44 pants now (man). Will I be able to fit on all the rides? My son asked me last night if I was going to ride the roller coasters with him. I sure hope I can!!!    — Robby E. (posted on July 10, 2002)

July 10, 2002
Well...I'm ignorant of what size 44 pants means in man-terms. I can tell you that I was unable to get the seatbelt to latch for the Batman roller coaster seat; if you have broad shoulders you'll have a hard time too. The good news is that I was able to ride everything else...I'm 5 ft. 3, 284 lbs. (argh...). I can tell you that they provided a "test" seat in front of the line to the ride (how embarassing) so you could find out before waiting in line whether or not you could ride it. Hope that helps!
   — Lynda L.

July 10, 2002
I have to say that the best feeling what when I went to Six Flags for the first time after a substancial weight loss. I fit on every ride I went on. Some were a tight fit, but I made it my business to fit. Fitting on the rides and tolerating the rides were two different things entirely. My stomach does not allow me to be as adventrous as I used to be. Depending on where your weight is really what will determine whether or not you can ride certain rides. My boyfriend had trouble because he is so broad, not overweight. His shoulders are what gave him a problem. I do remember that there is a chest measurement that you need to in order to fit on the rides. I don't remember 100%. Six Flags has a website. Check it out. Maybe you will get some help from there. Also, how far post-op are you? I got sick on some of the rides. Be careful not to eat and go on a ride. I used to be able to do that with no problem. NOT ANYMORE!! Whatever happens, enjoy yourself. Erika
   — Erika B.

July 10, 2002
My husband fluctuates between a 40 and 42 and he didn't have any problems the last time we went.
   — ctyst

July 10, 2002
My husband is a 44 too and fits into the rides.
   — Jennifer G.

July 10, 2002
I was just at G.A. in Gurnee a couple of weeks ago and I remember seeing signs on the front of rides indicating a torso measurement (or body circumference) not to exceed 57 inches. Also, G.A. sometimes conveniently puts examples of what the ride seats look like at the entrance to the ride therefore eliminating the embarassment of having to exit a ride after waiting in line. Have fun!
   — Heidi S.

July 10, 2002
Great job with your weight loss, Robbie! I went from a 52 to a 44 pant size and the greatest thrill I've had so far since having the surgery was taking my kids on the roller coasters on the Jersey shore this past month. It's the first time I've been able to take them on the rides. I was scared that I would have to get off because I was too big, but instead had the greatest feeling when the bar slid easily over my stomach. Relax and have a great time! - Mike
   — Michael N.

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