OK AMOS...How many beauty queens do we have in our midst?

I, former Mrs Lake Whitney and my angel, Miss Legs Dallas 1979, and my co-worker, a Miss Georgia contestant, have disscussed this and I wonder how many more of us there are. I had a thought that maybe the stress of the canstant physical attention I used to get is part of what drove me to gain weight (the old fat as protection theory) or maybe the fad diets and fasting I did when I was trying to stay thin. Any input?    — Laurie V. (posted on April 20, 2002)

April 20, 2002
Hi, I'm a little too young to relate exactly, but from the time I was old enough to walk until about age 6, I was constatly in beauty pageants and only didn't place in one of them. I won Queen quite a few times, and even if not that, I was almost always given Miss Photogenic. It's incredibly ironic because I have not willingly allowed anyone to photograph me for years. I'm not even in my high school yearbooks or graduation photo (I was hiding in the bathroom and they decided not to bother me about it). I think the pageants were a twisted way for the mothers to compete with each other, to be honest. I started gaining weight when I was about 7 (when we moved and my parent's marriage started falling apart) and that outgoing, confident little girl completely dissapeared. I don't think it is a healthy thing for mothers to re-inforce the cultural demand for "beauty" in girls, but I honestly wish I had retained some of those aspects of my personality I was developing. But then again, maybe if I had never had these pageant experiences, I would have always valued myself no matter what my size was. I sort of doubt that though since from the time I started gaining weight up until very recently, I have always been subjected to ridicule and pity from peers, teachers, "friends", and even some family members. Thought provoking question! :)
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 20, 2002
I was not a "beauty queen" but I was the Homecoming queen of my high school! I also was on a stage from the time I was 4 years old in shows as I danced and acted since that young age.I am sure that having all the attention all those years made me somewhat nervous about my appearance. I have always been uncomfortable with attention yet always hide it well. Out of nervousness I guess I must exude a sense of confidence, but believe me nothing could be farther than the truth! Now that I am below my goal weight, I have had to make HUGE adjustments to getting all the attention again. I am trying to get my mind caught up with my body, but it is a process. So, does being a "queen" give us reasons for becoming MO? Or is it not just being a queen, but being so exposed for so many people to see, yet never getting to know what is truly there on the inside? Who knows, but I think there may be something to that will be interesting to hear from others! Much love,
   — Vicki K.

April 20, 2002
Former Miss Armed Forces Day Queen, prom court, homecoming court, Fairest of them All, ect. I don't know all the reasons why I gained weight, but my own vanity has destroyed my confidence as a heavy person. I am 3 monthes post op and still have no outward confidence to speak of. I still don't like my picture taken, and when it is, I still hate what I see. I hope to someday be happy, I wasn't thin enough when I was thin, so I need to work on that mentality.
   — Karen E.

April 20, 2002
Hi, Im a former smalltown NC beauty queen. Got lots of attention, but that attention can get a girl in trouble. I dont know if it has anything to do with weight gain or not but a pretty girl sometimes gets attention just based on how she looks. Everyone wants to be friends with you and all the guys want to be seen with you. Perhaps we see that as negative because some dont really want to know the person behind the face or figure. Just my two cents.
   — L M.

April 20, 2002
Former county queen and frat sweetheart.....
   — Linda M.

April 20, 2002
Not that it means a thing now, but many years ago, in 1973 I was Homecoming Queen at my high school, also Miss Orange County, Florida same year, but REAL beauty is inside, and when we perpetuate the notion that beauty is so important, it puts inappropraite thoughts into our young girls, thinking they have to be on a "diet" when they are 8 years old, thinking thet are fat, and shouldnt wear shorts or eat anything with catsup on it (my grandaughter age 6)! I want to be happy, and healthy and if I look good, then great, too, but I wish it wasnt the way it is today in the world. Signed, Kate Moss, no just kidding! Donna
   — donnalawbabe

April 20, 2002
Was Cinderella 8 years in a row for Halloween. :)
   — Lisa J.

April 20, 2002
No beauty queen here, but Crystal, I couldn't agree with you more. I have three daughters, ages 6, 8 and 10. They are all beauties, maybe not queens yet but certainly princesses :). I wouldn't let them near a pageant with with 10 foot pole. They are SO much more than a pretty package.
   — Donna L.

April 20, 2002
I am DEFINITELY a Beauty Queen!!!!! Oh, you wanted people who had won contests...sorry...due to shall we say political jealousies and unfair discrimination I was never allowed to participate in an actual contest. Let me just say that the other contestants would never have been able to psychologically recover from trying to surpass someone of my goddess-like qualities. It really was for their own good that I was prohibited from flaunting, uh, parading, uh, displaying my comely beauty. Excuse me, I have to go now...mirrors to clean and all that...
   — merri B.

April 20, 2002
Well, I have a funny little tiara from Wal-Mart that my 4 year old daughter (my little princess so that makes me the Queen, right?) and I fight over to wear!! She's pretty enough to win every contest but I wouldn't wish that on any little girl!
   — Ellen H.

April 20, 2002
Can I hold the title of WLS Queen?
   — Cheri M.

April 20, 2002
   — Robert L.

April 20, 2002
Thank you everyone for your posts. I agree so much with never putting my daughters through the strain of pageants. My youngest wasts to model, and although she is very beautiful, I have heard that the struggle is even worse than pageants. I know that my past vanity is part of my low self esteem now. I never thought I was vain until I had a car accident and got a four inch scar across my forehead. And now being "fat" has left me with no self esteem...Thank God for this operation and may He bless all of us, even the "non-official" title holders. Everyone on this site has proven to be beautiful and regal by taking the steps to not only improve our own lives, but more importantly in the support and freindship given to all the other Divas. Thank You. (*parade wave*)
   — Laurie V.

April 20, 2002
I have a 20 year old daughter who is absolutely beautiful. Well, when she was 15-16 she went thru the pageant stage. So I went along with her. The parents who were already involved said "just have fun with it". I thought, wow, cool, that's what I'll do. I have never met so many catty, cruel, rude, backbiting people in all my life! There was NOTHING fun about it. By the way, my daughter did win first place in one of the local pageants, made a few appearances, rode in the parade, received trophies and crown, etc. but wow, at what an expense! We finally talked it over and decided those days were over. I told her if success in that way was meant for her, the talent agents would find HER, she wouldn't have to expose herself. She's in her third year of college now. She's beautiful inside and out,......and I'm glad that silly little phase of her life is over. So superficial.
   — blank first name B.

April 21, 2002
Just want to say AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and thanx Robert from a soon to be WLS Beauty Queen :)
   — Jodi D.

April 21, 2002
Ok, I am off the beaten track here, but how about atheletes? Do you know how many atheletes (high school, college females mostly) suffer from anorexia because a coach called them fat? I know a few. Same kind of stress- pressure to perform etc. My daughter is a beautiful 14 year old soccer player who weight lifts to compete at a higher level. Her trainer is very good about explaining foor choices and why she should eat ways- thank God! The pressure our kids are under is tremendous- thankfully there are those of us out here with common sense (hopefully)!
   — M B.

April 21, 2002
I was never a beauty queen, but I was a varsity swimmer (lettered 3 times) and co-captain of the team in my senior year. I'm one of the unusual ones because I was overweight when I did it.
   — Toni C.

April 21, 2002
Yes... several. Winning actually hurt my self imagine (go figure). I always felt like I was never enough... never pretty enough nor thin enough. Thankfully, even with all this fat on my body I know better now. I am a child of God and He loves me just the way I am and yet too much to leave me this way :-)
   — Grace M.

April 21, 2002
Miss Tuttle Oklahoma 1984, i was only 3 though
   — LaKeAffy

April 21, 2002
being the oldest daughter of 3, i won 1st prize, which was my daddy's heart. (he loved all 4 of us but, i was his 'little girl' til the day he died). i was also the heaviest of the 4 children, but, in our home i reigned as queen & dad was king. (i cant tell u here what my mom said we were king & queen of, tho. lol). i have a 27 year old daughter who is as beautiful outside as she is in. from the day she was born, i had people offering/begging to make her a model, enter her in beautiful baby contests, miss pre-teen pageants etc & i could not do that to my little girl. my cousin had her 3 boys in tv commercials & modeling for target & kmart advertisements & she said it was a 'dog eat dog world'. coincidentally to the subject of this post, my daughter called today because my 11 week old granddaughter is sick & had to be taken to the emergency room. (off track here a minute-i had no idea that a fever of 101 in a baby is an emergency these days). anyway, she is a gorgeous baby (truly!) & attracts attention any place she is taken & the e.r. nurse was calling her nurse friends from other floors to come to the e.r. to see my granddaughter. the resident dr who treated her fell in love when he saw her & couldnt stop hugging her. daughter tells me that she & my soninlaw r going to look into (u guessed it) modeling for the baby. i can only say that i thank god my children respect mine & hubby's advice & always seriously consider what we have to say when asked for an opinion because i was able to bring that idea to a screeching halt. the baby comes from a long line of obese people & already is showing tendencies of having the genetic disposition to weight problems. she was 7lb 11 oz when born 11 weeks ago & now weighs 13 lbs. she is at the higher end of the pediatrician's weight chart. i explained to my daughter about what alexandra's life will probably be like if she does have weight problems & putting her into the 'glamour' world will only add insult to injury. our kids have decided to let the baby be our very own 'private' beauty queen & this grandma gives her a gold & diamond encrusted blue ribbon. hhhmmmm...i wonder if there is a jeweler in town that could make that for me lolol.
   — sheryl titone

April 22, 2002
LOL! This is embarassing, have to answer though, just wish I could do it anon (anyone notice the button is missing?) Twirler in jr. and sr. high, senior favorite, homecoming queen, rodeo queen 3 years straight, and have won the only two 'best legs' contests I was ever pressured into entering. I have been told by an out-of-stater that I was the 'prettiest little thing' he had seen since he came to Texas two weeks before. I have been told that wars have been fought over women like me. I also am embarassed to say that I caused a wreck (just a fender-bender) in downtown Fort Worth once, I was walking in to work and some guy driving a convertible wasn't keeping his eyes where they should have been (ok, mine weren't where they should have been either :)~ I thank God that we were poor when I was growing up or my mom would have had me in beauty pagents too, lol! I am *blushing severely now* and wondering how in the world I ever got in the shape I was in before WLS!
   — DonnaCarol

April 22, 2002
Oops, didn't get finished :) Yes, I do believe I got fat after I got married because I didn't want other men looking at me and tempting me, subconciously (sp?). I knew my hubby loved me, and that I had the best hubby a woman could ask for, I didn't want to loose him. I don't think I am, but I have been told many, many times that I am a flirt. If I was fat, I could flirt my heart away and no guy would take it seriously, therefore my marriage was safe if I was fat???
   — DonnaCarol

April 22, 2002
I never held any beauty queen titles, but racked up in academic achievement and recognition awards, honor societies, scholarships, etc. It was my way of compensating for being MO and trying to be accepted. I don't regret being an overachiever, however, because I could not stand on my own two feet today if I hadn't. I know that my heart and mind are more beautiful than my body will ever be, but that's ok with me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 22, 2002
I think you are on to something here...I was a pageant winner, on prom court, was salutatorian, honor society, yada yadda yadda. I fit the typical overachiever description who never felt she was good enough. I was obsessed with my weight in high school, got more realistic in college and then totally relaxed when I got married. So much so that I ended up obsessed again, but this time with food NOT with my weight. Still a control issue no matter how you look at it. Thank goodness I had WLS to help me come to a place where I can get off the merry-go-round and help my exterior match my interior me. HEALTHY at last!
   — Kim M.

November 5, 2003
I think the only title I hold is "Miss Diagnosed."
   — Goldilauxx B.

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