Ugh! I just cant tolerate supplements.The pills hurt.

I could take pills early on,but now, at only 4 weeks, the sight of a pill makes me queasy.I am having difficulty with protein, calcium and iron.There are times when, for a few days, I just dont want to eat anything.I was doing okay with yogurt and cheese,and now that upsets my tummy too!I can still drink water, but its not comfortable.It can also make me nauseous sometimes.The smell of isopure alone is gross to me, all of a sudden salmon is gross, as is peanut butter.I can tell I'm not getting enough of anything and I'm worried.I havent managed to get all my pills in once!Lately I'm feeling like this was a big mistake!    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 14, 2002)

February 14, 2002
im sorry your having such a hard time. for a while things made me sick too. Try to eat the things you like w/protein in them for now. Get your stomach going. I take 2 small one a day vitimans...(1-twice a day) i take tums for some calcium and to sooth my stomach, and i dont take the iron only once or twice a week ( its hard on your stomach at first anyhow) and i take one vitiman a-d and one b12... so far all of these are small and do not hurt my stomach. also the dr suggested i take one pepsid or a pill to ease my stomach ev day at first. i hope your better and eat better soon. jacki
   — Jackiis

November 24, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet. But I recently started taking a Liquid Vitamin called Seasilver. You can check it out at it has every vitamin you need in it and it tastes pretty good also kinda like cranberry juice. I gave some to a friend that just had the surgery Oct. 17 and she is doing well with it.
   — dlkeehn

July 6, 2003
I am sorry try chewable tablets that kids take. I do and it helps me . Ask your doctor
   — Mandy B.

November 11, 2003
You need to tell your Dr, there a couple of things that could be happeing.
   — Tammy L.

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