How much exercise was everyone getting at 3 weeks out?

I'm just so tired and feeling not up to anything yet.It is freezing outside so I dont even want to walk.When did everyone else start their regimin?    — Stephanie H. (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
I was walking up to the end of my block and back 10 days after surgery. It was rough at first and the first couple of times I would get up to the end of the block and wonder how the heck I was going to walk all of the way back to my house without falling flat on my face from exhaustion. I even took one of my dogs with. Thank God they like to pull a little, because that sort kept me going and got me back to the house. By the end of week 2 post-op I was walking both dogs together and we were going 3 blocks a day. I also went to the mall at the same time, 10 days post-op and walked. I did that several times with a friend. I started driving again at 3 weeks post-op and that was pretty uncomfortable at first as well. But, I didn't drive any long distances for the first week. I went back to work at week 5 and started riding my exercise bike at week 6. The more you exercise the quicker you will regain your strength and the better you will feel. But, if you can't get outside, just moving around inside will help. Start with 10 minutes at a time and just add a little more time every day. I know it is harder for some and if you were sedentry pre-op, then it may take you a little longer to get going post-op. But, it will come and soon you will have more energy then you know what to do with. Just hang in there and good luck.
   — Susan M.

February 5, 2002
I started at the gym at 2 weeks post-op. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill at the start at 2.5 mph, no incline. Then I would do 2 minutes on the elliptical trainer, all I could manage. Twice a week, I did an hour-long calisthenics/toning class for fat women called "Free to be Fit" at my Y. That class was VERY hard at first but I got through the whole thing each time. I found that exercise INCREASED my energy. Good luck! I had Open RNY on 09/17/01 and I'm down 100 lbs... I'm up to 1-2 hrs at the gym each day!
   — Julia M.

February 5, 2002
I didn't start exercising until about 9 weeks after my surgery. I also felt VERY tired. However, since I've started to walk for about 20 minutes a day on the treadmill, I have much more energy.
   — Patty H.

February 5, 2002
This is not something that I am proud of but, I have yet to start my exercise program. I am 13 months post op and am 16 pounds below my goal. I weigh 123 and am a size 6. Now, I know that I must start exercising in order to maintain this loss, but I just can't get going. :( Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 6, 2002
Stephanie, I looked at your profile and noticed that you had open rny. I don't think I'd worry too much about exercise at this point. If the weather warms up, maybe short walks outside, but you also need some time to heal. If you still aren't doing anything at 6 weeks or so, then you may need to see what you can do to get yourself going. Remember, don't compare yourself to anyone else. What's right for one is not necessarily right for another.
   — garw

February 6, 2002
Stephanie- I was walking at Walmart and the grocery store the week I got out of the hospital mainly to avoid clots- not for exercise. I had surgery in January of 2000 and I couldn't walk in my house much and it was too cold outside, so my hubby thought walking around pushing a cart for support would be a good way to get gas out and fight blood clots- it was! It was also good to get out a little every other day or so. Now, I only did that the week he was off of work- then I took it easy for a few weeks and after my 2 week check up, I started my treadmill VERY SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY! The most important thing is don't overdo it or you will get discouraged and quit. I think I did 10 minutes at like 1 MPH or 1.5 MPH- something very very very slow so I wouldn't do too much. A little is better than none at all and once you get a little, your confidence and energy level goes up and you can do a little more and it builds. Start slow and you will do fine- e-mail me if you would like to chat:) By the way- I jog now as well as many sports. I love to exercise. Hated it when I went too far or too fast.
   — M B.

October 1, 2003
I am 3 weeks post op and I have found that going out in the heat takes every bit of energy right out of me before I even begin to walk. So the first week and a half I did alot of walking in place to my favorite music then I came across the video/dvd Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone at Target. They have the 1 mile walk on up to the 3 mile walk. It's alot of fun and starts off very simple. I have boosted my energy level and I can do anytime of the day in the comfort of my own home. So everyday I get up and do my 1 mile and soon I will work myself up to the 2 mile. Do what you have to do to get any type of exercise even if it's moving around to your favorite music as long as you up & moving. In time you will become addicted to the way the exercisng makes ya feel. It's Fabulous! Hope this helps. Good Luck!
   — Pamela S.

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