When should you worrry about a fever post op?

   — Rhonda W. (posted on January 13, 2002)

January 13, 2002
I was told to call my surgeon if I had *any* fever post op. It can be a sign of infection or problem. Better safe then sorry.
   — Elizabeth D.

January 13, 2002
Although I am still pre-op, I have had surgery before. I your doctor with ANY fever. It probably is not a big deal, but any fever signals infection. They may put you on antibiotics immediately, just in case.
   — emilyfink

January 13, 2002
I had a slight fever in the hospital but the nurse said it was low enough to not be a worry and was gone in a day or so. My discharge instructions said to call the doctor for any temperature over 100.5 I believe. Thats still pretty low grade but enough to know that there is something going on.
   — Donna L.

January 13, 2002
Pain, even other than tummy, shortness of breath, sharp pains in legs or just feeling icky with a fever. It can be absolutely nothing, just your body trying to "protect" you OR it can be life threatening. I am assuming you mean immediately postie, right? Not way down the road? Anyway, you make notes of what's going on: fever + this + that, bathroom happenings, how much water you can/cannot take in. Then you call the doc. Don't ever brush off a post-op fever when you are new.
   — vitalady

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