How much suger and fats can I have? Does anyone recomend a Goerge Foreman Grill?

how much fat is to much? How much sugar is too much? Is a forman grill a good idea?    — melissa W. (posted on December 30, 2001)

December 30, 2001
I have a George Foreman grill and I love it! I cook just about everything in it and cleanup is really easy. As far as the amount of fat, my surgeon recommends less than 12 g per meal. There was no set amount for the sugar though. The lower, the better for both. Take care. Paulette
   — Paulette W.

December 30, 2001
I'm not "qualified" to answer regarding the diet since I haven't had surgery yet, but I am very enthusiastic about recommending the George Forman grill. I've always cooked low-fat style using lean meats, non-stick pans and PAM-type sprays, so there's not much fat to remove from the meals I cook. But the Forman grill is faster and makes tastier food. I recently used the grill to prepare breakfast bacon for a rare treat and found it extracted more fat than any other method of cooking, including broiling and microwaving! I'd like to hear from some post-op people about whether the grill produces problem-free food for them.
   — BT_unionME

December 30, 2001
I just got the grill for Christmas.....IT GREAT! Makes great grilled sandwiches. Don't know how many of those I can eat after the surgery, but its great. It was about the only thing I asked for this year since I didn't want clothes until after my weightloss.
   — Dawn Y.

December 30, 2001
i cannont tolerate sugar at all. i dump as soon as i swallow. fat doesnt seem to bother me if i do very little of it. but, then again i havent had 'alot' at one time either. i have a GE version of the foreman grill & I LOVE IT! u can do almost anything with it! the best thing is to experiment. i 'fry' onions, make fish, cook pre formed chicken patties, bacon, etc etc. use ur imagination!!!
   — sheryl titone

December 30, 2001
I love my foreman grill. At first some post ops have trouble with dry meat, especially chicken, so you may need to marinade or baste the meat or make a sauce, this wasn't a problem for me. I don't dump, so I can't answer the sugar question.
   — Becky K.

December 30, 2001
I don't know the answer to the first part of your question. The second part is easy. When my husband and I moved, his Grandma and Pa gave us a Foreman Grill as a house warming. I said, "what a waste, I'll probably never use this". Guess what? I LOVE IT!!! I cook steaks, hamburgers, chick. breasts, pork chops, pork steaks, ham steaks, and veggies on it. Every once in a while I scrub, slice and cook a potato on it too. Best gift ever! If I got to chose the size I got, I would get the family size, usually around $100.00. They gave us one that fits 4 burgers (a little small I think). Happy grilling :) p.s. Got a "Turbo Cooker" for the holidays and I can't wait to try that baby out!
   — Cinna G.

December 30, 2001
Hi Melissa, I am just about 1 yr post op now. I can tolerate about 16 grams of sugar per serving now. I think it is dependant on which type of surgery you have had- and well, your body. I know several people that have had the same type of surgery I had (open RNY). Some can have more sugar with out dumping and others cannot tolerate any where near the amount I can. I don't eat that much sugar per serving all the time- but I don't dump at that amount- I'm too scared to try any more than that! I have dumped twice and don't ever want to again! And as far as fat- can't help you there. I seem to tolerate some- I just don't like alot of fat. I do eat my McD's french fries every once in a while tho! Bad Cindy! Anyway- hope this helps! Good Luck.
   — Cindy K.

December 30, 2001
Hi! I have to agree with everyone else, the George Foreman grill is the BEST! Just make sure that post-op you marinade your meat first so it will be a bit moist. As for fat and sugar...My doctor told me no more than 12 grams of sugar and to simply buy the "light" version of everything so I wouldn't consume too much fat. She never gave me an exact number. I eat "light" butter and salad dressing. I have been too chicken to try anything with a lot of fat and sugar. I don't want to dump. I have tried no sugar added "light" ice cream and it was good! I've also had a slice of veggie pizza and found that I could eat about half a slice with a small salad. That pizza probably had about 10 grams of fat in it. Just listen to your body and your doctor and you will be fine! :) Lap Rny 10/29/01-Have lost 51 pounds to date.
   — vbenedict0208

December 31, 2001
Oh my gosh, the GF grill is the best. I think it is the only appliance I actually use several times a week. You will love it.
   — lori T.

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