wanted to know if grilling on a forman grill is ok

   — melissa W. (posted on December 14, 2001)

December 14, 2001
Absolutely. I do it! I've had chicken and meat off the stove, but it's always soaking in it's own grease, and I react badly to fats and greases. When I had the same meal, cooked on the foreman grill, I didn't get sick because there wasn't as much grease or fat in the meat. You'll love it!
   — [Anonymous]

December 14, 2001
I think they would work great as it drains all the fat away from the meat! "Go for it" I say!!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

December 14, 2001
I grill chicken, steak, & fish on my george foreman grill. The fat drips away and the food comes off of it moist, juicy and delicious. My george foreman grill never ever leaves my counter top. I plug it in and use it at least 5 out of 7 days...if not more.
   — Mustang

December 14, 2001
Does anyone know where to get the original foreman grill? I've search the web's shopping site like QVC and Sears and they have the super, family etc. I am one person and want the small person size grill. Any thoughts would be appreciated
   — Gwen M.

December 14, 2001
Sorry guys think I found it, its call the Champ its the original sized one. Thanks for hearing me out
   — Gwen M.

December 14, 2001
I bought one last night for myself as a Christmas present. It will grill up to 2 burgers or chicken at one time. It was on sale for $14.96....I am excited about trying it out.
   — Tina K.

December 14, 2001
foreman grills or other brands equivalents r the best invention sinced sliced bread!!! i had an original but it was too small for a family. now i have one by g.e. & i LOVE it!!!! it fits 6 burgers at one time & the drip pan is a drawer & its deep. i found it at walmart & it was cheaper than the super foreman grill. i even grill onions on it instead of frying or sauting them. no more indigestion because the fats drain off so comletely & it takes so much less time to cook because both sides of the food cook at the same time. clean up is a breeze. my grills pop out, go into the dishwasher, the grease drawer goes into the dishwasher as well. i highly recommend not only this particular grill but i also recommend experimenting with ur cooking on it. u will be surprised what it will cook.
   — sheryl titone

March 18, 2002
im pre-op BUT ,my family sized foreman grill is a heaven send. I dont have to worry about all the fat n grease and it tastes soooooooo guud.I got mines from HUDSONS NOW MARSHALLLLL FIELDS, I'VE SEEN THEM AT TARGET, SERVICE MERCHANDISE, KMART AND MEIJERS. HOPE YOU FIND ONE W THE BUN WARMER ATTACHED ITS GREAT!!!
   — NANA H.

May 17, 2005
Oh, yes the George Forman grill has saved me! I am very sensitive to fats or grease of any kind! It is really great for shrimp sish-kabobs!
   — Barbara H.

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