What is the average hospital stay for an open RNY with no complications?

Just wondering since I have a young child and my husband cannot take off of work anymore.    — Laurie L. (posted on November 6, 2001)

November 6, 2001
I had an open rny a was in the hospital for 7 days and had no complications. The average hospital stay is 4-7 for open rny. Chryss...6/1..-88 lbs..75 to go!
   — [Anonymous]

November 6, 2001
I was in 5 days, but would have been out in four except I had to get a transfusion which took hours and hours. down 43 1/2 lbs. About a million more to go. lol
   — Jennifer H.

November 6, 2001
I had surgery Tuesday am and left by noon on Friday. I have heard some people leave a day earlier, but I still felt weak Thursday, but Friday a.m. I was *ready* and felt ok for the trip home.
   — M. A. B.

November 6, 2001
My surgeon's standard protocol is five days. I had my surgery at 11 am on Monday and went home at 2:30 pm on Friday. I could've gone home Thursday but I have a 22 month old, and man, that sleep Thursday night was the best I've had since I got pregnant in April of 1999!! WORTH IT!! :-) Here's hoping your surgery goes really well and that you are home quickly. My third profile page has my complete run-down of what the hospital experience was like for me, if you're curious.
   — Julia M.

November 6, 2001
Hi Laurie, I had open RNY on April 10..and was only in the hospital 3 days. There were no complications obviously..and I was soooo ready to go home. If your going in with no major issues you should be able to leave within 3 to 5 days. Good luck to you! Sherry (90lbs gone FOREVER)....YES!!!!
   — Sherry B.

November 6, 2001
3-4 days if there are no complications.
   — [Anonymous]

November 6, 2001
Hi. I was in for 4 day and that was good according to my doc. Good luck. I have 2 kids and wasn't up to taking care of their basic needs for at least 10 days post op though and much longer till I was doing housework and cooking and stuff.
   — Jaykay B.

November 6, 2001
I had open RNY on Tuesday Oct 16. I went home 24 hours later, Wednesday Oct 17. I think the key is doing as much for yourself in the hospital as possible. My surgeon walked in Wednesday morning, I was sitting "indian style" on my bed and had just gotten back from several laps around the floor. He saw that I was doing great, and up and about. He kinda laughed, gave me 2 choices. Sleep in the hospital, or sleep in my own bed. Of course I chose to go home. My husband did take 2 weeks off to care for our 4 children, and thank goodness he did. There is no way I could have changed diapers and taken care of the children that soon. Good Luck
   — skymaxjr

November 6, 2001
I had open rny with no complications. I was in the hospital six days.
   — Kathy W.

November 6, 2001
I had my open RNY 8/8/01 and discharged in less than 48hrs. I was walking in recovery room and every hour after that. The more you stay in bed the worse off you'll be, more risk of complications. Once I got home I took care of myself but I don't think I could have taken care of a small child, I think I could have handled school aged or even a well behaved 4 or 5 yr old but definately not younger. Remember you aren't supposed to do any lifting for 4+ weeks due to risk of herniating at the incision line. You arent going to want to have to run after anyone for a while. Good luck.
   — Helen B.

November 6, 2001
I had my surgery at noon on a Thursday and went home Saturday evening. I couldn't wait to go home so I could sleep in my recliner. I found it very hard to sleep in the hospital bed. If your husband can't take the time off from work, you will definetly need someone else to come and help you with your child. Good Luck!!!
   — Helen C.

November 6, 2001
Two days for me, surgery Wed am, home Fri afternoon.
   — blank first name B.

November 6, 2001
I had a very routine open RNY with no complications. I had my surgery Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. on the dot, and I was released Thursday morning at about 9:00. You may be able to rush it a little and try to get out of there a day or so earlier, depending on your surgeon. Good luck!
   — Terissa R.

November 6, 2001
I saw my surgeon yesterday, she said I would be in for 7-10 days depending on how well one does. That is a long time compared to most of these posters. I guess it depends on your doctor.
   — Lynda T.

November 7, 2001
I went in on a Tuesday and got out on Friday... 3 days. However I would suggest you pay alittle extra and get a private room. If you wonder why then read my profile. The hospital stay for my RNY was the worst one I ever had. I'd NEVER get a semi private room again. You will need the peace and quiet so get a private.
   — Danmark

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