i have a friend in need of this surgery and needs some finacial help

i dont know where to tell her to look for finacial aid she is only 22 and i dont know if arkansas medicaid will cover her does anyone know of anykind of finacial resource. arknasas rehab said as of july they dont pay for this type of surgery    — blank first name B. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
Hi, I know your pain, I am going to be needing some financial help too (even though I have Insurance, go figure). I have gotten some more credit cards (I am 20 and have a good credit history, but I realize that isn't an option for everyone). Also, Citi Financial ( also gives personal loans. There's also ebay, lol. If you have something you want to seel, you can usually make off with more than it's worth on ebay. Good luck to you! I hope some other people post because I could use some ideas too! :)
   — [Anonymous]

September 27, 2001
Mica, I don't know why ARK Rehab told your friend they don't pay for this type of surgery. Thats not true, I have insurance that will pay 50% up to $ 4,000.00 per year and thats all it will pay, so I had to find help. I met August 8,2001 with ARK Rehab and I have done everything they have ask. Met again with them this past Monday Sept 24, they are going to help me pay for my surgery. I have a lot of health problems, that could be the reason why.
   — Karen C.

October 13, 2004
Hi I was having trouble getting the money to pay for my plastic surgery and was searching and searching and wasting money on programs when I came across the one I used. I had the money to pay for my surgery within 30 days and all it cost me was 11.50 to get started. Heres the address.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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