When I went on my initial consult I measured 3 inches shorter than I really am.

My driver's license and all of the other measurements say I am 5'7". I measured 5'3" at my consult. My friend who is going through this with me measured 5'7" and she is really 5'11". Has anyone else had this happen? Are they doing this to make our BMI's bigger. Mine is 49 as it is. It is probably through the roof now!    — Nurisha L. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
I also measured 3"'s shorter at my initial consultation. That is so strange and this has really been bugging me more and more. I too am 5'7", or at least I thought I was. They measured me at 5'3". My mom is 5'3" and I practically tower over her. When the dietitian asked my height and I said 5'7" she immediately looked at me and said "NO WAY" and took me out to the scales to measure it. VERY INTERESTING!!!
   — BuckeyeWithCurves

September 27, 2001
YES !! I cracked up. I am 5'9" tall. According to Dr. Rabkins scale I weighed in at about 260. My BMI was slightly less than 40. Not satisfied, I was measured on a wall chart at 5' 7" tall. When reweighed, my BMI was then 40.1. I could not wait to get home and tell my husband he is not 5'11" after all ! (He and I are nearly eye to eye)
   — Laurie D.

September 28, 2001
I had the same thing happen at my consultation. I thought I was 5'10 but the doctors office said I was 5'7. That brought my BMI up from 44 to 47. The way I look at it - I have been been carrying alot of weight for many years. Maybe my posture has been affected. Hey as long as it helps my insurance approval - I am okay with it!!!
   — Erin H.

January 5, 2002
The same thing recently happended to me, I measured 5'3 and a half at the doctors office. I thought I was 5'7, and it even says so on my drivers lic, and it says my weight is 175 (ha, that was a big fat lie)... I finally figured out if you repeast the lie often enough you start to believe it your self (laughing). I think i have been fibbing about my ht as well as wt, just to take the edge off. Officialy, I can state I am 5'3 and a half, and 228.5 pounds, grrrrrrrrrrrr - even though I need to qualify for the surgery, I still cringe at the word obese.
   — Nene B.

March 6, 2002
I got taller after my surgery. The way it was explained to me is that without the extra 100+ pounds my spine is no longer compressed. I went from 5'5" to 5'7".
   — [Anonymous]

August 4, 2002
I hate to suggest this, but by making you smaller it increases your BMI and thus your chances of getting approval from your insurance.
   — Linda E.

August 11, 2002
That would be really bad for me since I am only 4'11" I would hate to think of myself at 4'8"! When I went to the doctors, they only weighed us. I already knew my BMI was 50, I dont want it to be any higher!
   — Diane S.

August 11, 2002
Totally have to agree with the weight compressing the spine. Less than 10 years ago I was 5'6", close to a hundred pounds added on since then and now my PCP measures me at 5'2 - 5'3. (getting a little taller with weight loss.) How crazy, isn't it!
   — Shelly S.

April 3, 2003
When I was only 140 and 15 I was heighted at 5' 3" Now that I am over 200 lbs.. I am only 5'0".. I do believe that weight will deffinatly take its toll on your height! I hate to think that I could get measured at below 5 feet when I go in for a referal on the 8th.. I have been really short all my life.. so being below 5 foot again would be devistating. hee hee.. but if it helps me to get surgery.. I will go for it.
   — kellyparrett

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