Will WLS help me lose the weight from being hypothyroid?

I have been hypothyroid since birth. I am now 21 years old. I am tired of dealing with the weight, and never having enough energy to even try to exercise. I am still, to this day, trying to get my thyroid levels up to par, but I don't know if that will ever happen. I'm just wondering if WLS will help with this cycle. I keep gaining weight, and my eating habits have changed, mostly for the better. Still, the weight keeps going on. Any insight is appreciated.    — Maggie C. (posted on May 28, 2001)

May 28, 2001
Hi Margaret, it turns out I had hyprothyroid that was found in my pre-op blood tests. The dr said he would've put me on meds but since I was having the surgery to wait and see. Two months later my thyroid is functioning normally. I'll keep my fingers crossed, hope this helps.
   — Gail R.

May 28, 2001
Hi...I have been hypo since I was very young and had my WLS on 2/16/01. I had the DS procedure and have lost close to 60 lbs (my scales). My first labs showed me being hypo but I didn't realize at the time that I wasn't supposed to take my meds with calcium so rather than adjust my dosage, my PCP decided to wait until my next lab work.I now take my thyroid meds first thing am with water on an empty stomach and then i wait a few hours before taking my other meds and supplements. We'll see what happens in about 3 months. Hope this helps.
   — TJSmith

May 28, 2001
I've been hypothyroid for over 20 years. Every doctor I have ever asked (3-4) have always told me that only 5-10 pounds of extra weight can be attributed to hypothyroidism if your levels are properly maintained with medication. I always wanted to blame my extra weight on my thyroid condition, but the doctors refused to let me. I'm only 4.5 weeks post-op so it will be interesting to see if my thyroid medication changes as I lose weight since I've had this condition so long. I have heard of many who recently were hypothyroid that were reversed but not us old-timers. Good luck!
   — Anika R.

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