Has anyone had laparascopy to clear up a possible adhesion? How did it go?

I'm 6 months post op and still having digestive problems. My doctor suspects I may have an adhesion and wants to do a laparoscopy to look around and clear it up if necessary. I'm wondering how I might know if in fact there is an adhesion. I'd hate to have genral anesthesia and not find anything inside. If you had it, did it help? Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 2, 2000)

December 2, 2000
Hi, It is not uncommon to develop adhesions following any abdominal surgery. To my knowledge they do not show up on conventional x-rays. It's possible but unlikely that they would show on an unltrasound or even a CT scan because they usually are fairly thin and filmy. I"m not sure about an MRI. In any case, the easiest way is to go in and look. This way it can be "taken down". Barbra Falta, PA-C
   — Barbra F.

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