GREAT and CONVENIENT new idea for water!!!

Yesterday while at a local P&C I came across a product I've never seen before. It is a box with 40 packets of REAL lemon. I enjoy fresh lemon water, yet it is so inconvenient. Well not now. Just a few packets of lemon and some artificial sugar and it is almost exactly like a real fresh squeezed lemon water. The only thing missing is the pulp (which I love). :( However these packets will be carried in my car for anytime I have water with me. Also I'll take them in a restaurant for lemon water with my meal! (Of course, I won't make it to obvious). Anyway I don't generally sing the praises of any products but I live on coffee and diet pop. Yet I've wanted to drink more healthy. Now I can enjoy drinking water and by doing so will naturally cut down on the other two drinks! I'm really a happy camper right now and just wanted to share my find. I took some photos of the box and packets and put it on a web page. If anyone is interested they can go to that page and see what the box looks like and read the info. It is a rather small box, approximately 2 inches wide by 4 inches tall. It was on special this week (2 boxes for $5). I believe regular price is around $3 for a box of 40 packets. Anyway, I hope others may find this product as enjoyable as I do! God Bless.    — Danmark (posted on July 8, 2005)

July 8, 2005
Daniel THANK YOU!!! That is totally awesome. I am a lemon lover. I could eat lemon straight, well I could before acid reflux, Tee Hee! I am going to go out and try to find them at me store, if not I am definately going to the website to see I can order from there! Thanks
   — caneville

July 8, 2005
They have a web site at: There is info there on what stores carry this and also online stores as well. On the box it said one packet flavors 12-16 oz. For my tastes, that was'nt working. I need to use 4 packets to 16 oz to have a mild taste. But even so, that is 10 16 oz glasses for $3. But I totally enjoy my water drinking now. By the way, so far, P&C is the only local stores I've seen these in. Here is the site for where to buy this product:
   — Danmark

July 8, 2005
Sorry I forgot to mention this. For those of you who may be allergic or sensitive to "sulfates", I don't believe this product uses it. At least it does'nt bother me at all. Whenever I've used the liquid Real Lemon, it's always had a bad after taste. I guess that is one reason I'm so thrilled with the True Lemon besides the convient packets. :)
   — Danmark

July 8, 2005
Daniel: I read about this product several months ago in Real Simple magazine and I haven't been able to find it in my area - thanks for the reminder to keep looking. I'm a lemon lover and would really like this product.
   — NewJoolz

July 9, 2005
Thank you very much i'm so tired of drinking water and it is causing me some eating problems (eating more than drinking) and it shows to me, i will try this and hopefully i can get back on track!
   — evlyn C.

July 10, 2005
i love the product true lemon!!! here is a site that sells true lemon in bigger amounts, i order from this place all the time because i go through true lemon like crazy. here is the link

July 10, 2005
it is me again , go to and in the search box enter true lemon!!! sorry, kelly

July 11, 2005
Daniel, I'm not a big lemon lover, but appreciate your find. I just wanted to add that I had a seriously hard time getting in enough water until I started buying cases of bottled water. It costs me about 20 dollars a month, but I find that I drink MUCH more water than I used to when it is so easily available to me. If you are having a hard time choosing water over soda, you might try keeping bottles of water in your fridge along with your lemon, it might make it easier for you. :D
   — RebeccaP

July 13, 2005
   — NANCY P.

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