Until I see the doctor today, what are your ideas please?

I had an Open RNY on 5-8-01. Thankfully no complications then. On March 1, 2002 my gallbladder was taken out LAP. Even after the removal I've still had "intermittent" bad pain. In the summer of 2002 I had some really hard back breaking work. My back hurt so bad I took codeine, and on an empty stomach. That started the pains even worse than the gallbladder attacks. Anywho to make a long story as short as possible, ever since I have EXTREME pain! I've had 15 surgeries and many complications from some of them. So I know pain and how to compare it. Most of the time these attacks start up, it is at night when I first lay down. I don't get to sleep before the most excruciating pain starts. I'm assuming it's an ulcer although there is NO nausea or burning from it. It is like someone punched me as hard as possible in the upper gut (pouch area). Then my stomach, chest and back area goes numb, yet in GREAT pain. It is hard to breathe as the pain is so numbing. I'm not sure how I can be numb and in pain at the same time, yet it is. If I were to die or go into a heart attack, I would NOT be surprised. On a scale of 1-10, it is a definite 9. These pains will last 3-4 hours. But since I've started taking Nexium they will go away in 3-5 minutes. However last night, it would NOT go away, and start back up in 10 minutes. I ended up taking 4 Nexium from 11:30 - 3:30. I was afraid to take anymore. I'd rather be dead than have another night like last night. I think my week long bad cough brought on last nights attack. I had tried to see a doc Friday, but was not able to get in. I DO have an appointment today at 1:15 PM. So I am NOT asking for advice in leu of seeing a doctor. I just wonder if anyone else has had this type of pain, and what was done to help you? I should have been scoped two years ago, but with all the medical procedures I've had in the past, I am TERRIFIED of the scope! Yes everyone says it's a piece of cake. I'm not convinced. However, I'm pushing for one today. Last night I actually decided to consider an RNY reversal if I have to live the rest of my life with these pains. It is that bad. I'd rather be 319 plus than live with this anymore. I've had no energy since wls, my depression is worse, than these god awful excruciating pains. If possible, I'd rather have the RNY reversed, and a LAP done at the same time, so hopefully I don't gain the weight back. Has anyone had this? Sorry, I hope I don't depress anyone. I'm just at the end of my rope. I never dreamed I'd be basically happy with an RNY then 3+ years out actually want to get it reversed.    — Danmark (posted on July 12, 2004)

July 12, 2004
I meant to say, "have the RNY reversed and get a LAP Band". By the way, I did'nt get anywhere with the doctor today. Perhaps I'll just have to travel the 100 miles round trip to see my surgeon. :(
   — Danmark

July 12, 2004
I'm so sorry you are suffering. I have no advice or help to offer you. I wish I did. You are a familiar name to me on the Q&A board and felt very sad when I read your question. I hope you can get an answer or relief from your pain. Good luck to you, Jo
   — JoSyrNY

July 12, 2004
When I was pre-op and experiencing a lot of pain for which there wasn't much of a solution until I lost weight, I was given a lot of pain management techniques. You might investigate a specialist in your area who specializes in pain management. They maybe could do something for you in the meantime. Just a thought. Good luck.
   — Cathy S.

July 12, 2004
Daniel, I have similar pain from time to time. It is really disabling. My surgeon believes it is abdominal/stomach muscle spasms. If this is the case, a scope won't tell you much anyway. It also could be a kink in the bowel that comes and goes. Often this happens to me if I am especially dehydrated. My surgeon prescribed a medication called Nulev. It is an anti-spasmodic; you put it under the tongue like a b-12 tab and it works very fast. I take Nexium also, but these are helpful when an attack happens. Good luck and keep us posted! hugs, Ann ......... RNY 9/10/99 .........260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 12, 2004
Hi, I'm so sorry you are experiencing so much pain and trouble. First of all. My hubby's father had his gallbladder removed and still suffered severely from pain..they found out that he had stones in the duct..this is a possibility. Make sure you go to a gastroenterologist that will put you out when you are scoped. Then I can tell you it is a piece of cake really...I'm a big baby. You need a good gastro person who will do ultrasound, upper GI and a scope this is a must. I was scared to death of being scoped...don't use a doctor who will not put you out!! Also, I had an ulcer and I had no naseau...but horrific pain and Nexxium and Prevacid were not strong enough to do the job. I was scoped 6 times in 2 months because of strictures...I am on Aciphex and thank G-d it has helped along with finding a good gastro doc. Best of luck and hope this helps. Make sure you ask him/her to check for stones in the bile duct I believe is what it is called. Karen....Please do not consider having your RNY reversered. There are other options with a a good diagnostition trying to find the problem. Something is causing the pain.
   — Karen Renee

July 12, 2004
Hey Guy, I have no advice to offer but I am almost 2 years postop and have had no problems at all but just seem to keep waiting for something to blow up. What I am saying is please let us know what you find out so if we do experience similair problems we can maybe have an idea whats going on. My surgeon is some 150 miles away..I hope you get some help really soon..Good Luck Daniel..
   — Sharon1964

July 12, 2004
Daniel, you are familiar name to me , so I feel so bad that you are going though this, I too am 3 years out and many times you have shared your experences on this board, and I thank you for that, All I can do is pray for you and hope you can find a cure and won't have to have a reversal, We all did if for the same reason, to feel good and healthy.... May God help you in your quest, You'll be in my Prayers.....
   — Rebe W.

July 12, 2004
It is especially upsetting that someone who has shared so much and helped so many on this site is going through so much difficulty. In my own amateurish assessment, by your description it sounds like something gastric which I bet will be diagnosed with a scope or some testing. hang in there and have faith that the Drs will figure it out. If you are not happy with what you hear, don't hesitate in seeking a second opinion. The typical gastroiunterologist may not be savvy as to the possible complications of WLS. I know many of us will be keeping our fingers crossed for you. Keep us up to date. Ann
   — Fixnmyself

July 12, 2004
Hi Daniel. I'm sorry to hear about your problems. While I can't help you from experience I do have some thoughts to throw out. Chronic pain is debilitating so you have to find out what is going on no matter the costs or what it takes to get it done. First, see your surgeon. Demand a scope, full lab work, basically the works. Scopes may suck but you'd have to have one to rule out ulcers before anyone would consider taking down your RNY anyhow. Two years of extreme pain that seems to be affected by stomach meds with no scope makes NO sense. I know its a wild idea but is there the slightest chance that your gallbladder wasn't removed and that you're still having attacks from it? I know it seems a long shot but I've ran into someone before whose surgeon was supposed to have removed their gallbladder during their WLS surgery, even telling her post-op that it was done only to find out during an ultrasound that he had NOT done it. I thought it seemed like a one in a million but my dad went in for gallbladder surgery and they ran into complications and closed him up WITHOUT doing the surgery. He woke up post op and NOBODY told him he still had gallbladder. The surgeon wouldn't have even seen him post op if it hadn't been for family persistance with the nursing staff on his floor. Even after that the surgeon refused to see him post op, instead just sending him back to his local PCP for drain removals and follow up. If we hadn't raised questions and the like my dad would have never known he had his gallbladder still! BTW, they got scared off because of a liver condition that didn't show on his lab work and that too causes him some gallbladder-like pains. Not saying this is you but maybe something to ponder. Also, if your PCP isn't taking you seriously maybe its time for a new one who will be interested in running the diagnostics you require. In the mean time I hope you'll see your surgeon and get some testing done. Best wishes. Shelly
   — Shelly S.

July 12, 2004
I am so sorry for you. You give so much! I do have an idea, a possibility that should be investigated. Just because your gallbladder is gone; that doesn't mean you can't continue to have attacks/symptoms. It is possible for stones to form and reform in the common bile duct and elsewhere. Have you had this checked? I hope you can get to the bottom of this problem and find out what's wrong.
   — PattyL

July 12, 2004
Dan; I have the same problem and my use of Prevacid actually has increased to 3 a day. This Friday they are going to exploratory surgery to see if there is an ulcer in the old stomach or if there is bleeding or what is going on. Keep exploring. If you want email me. I had my gallbladder out 4/2004 and then had another attack. Sometimes there is gravel hiding in the bile duct that pops out. They did my gallbladder lap.I almost would rather have had it open. I think the lap was worse
   — snicklefritz

July 12, 2004
Ask your doc about esophogeal spams. I have them as a post-op, and they cause me pain similar to that which you described... and 9 out of 10 times happen at night soon after I go to bed. They are hard to diagnose unless you're in the middle of one though. Several times I've finally given up and gone to the ER to have the pain "magically" disappear. It generally goes as quickly as it comes. The duration is similar to yours too... generally 3 hours or so, but occasionally it's gone on longer.
   — mom2jtx3

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