Please help with a copy of your physician/your letter.

I am in need of a letter to send to my insurance co. for medical necessity to have abdominoplasty. I'd love to have a copy of one that your pcp and / or chiropractor used to your plastic surgeon. I go see both of them next week. I'll be needing the letters from them soon to take to my plastic surgeon. I know it would help them to see a copy of something to go by. = I want to make it as easy for them as possible. If my pcp and chiropractor write a letter of medical necessity to my p/s, and he writes one too, all three can be sent to insurance together. I am so skinny every place but my stomach. I have no rashes, but bad backache. I am computer illiterate, so if you can, send a link that I can just click the mouse on to get to a letter. Thanks in advance. Kathy, Open RNY, June 23, 2003. -107 pounds.    — Kathy R. (posted on March 25, 2004)

March 25, 2004
   — ~Kim~ J.

March 25, 2004
Kathy, I hope that maybe this site can help you, it has many sample Appeal letters. Good luck to you :) Kim
   — ~Kim~ J.

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