Help - I need your support!

   — Jazzy (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 23, 2004
I am 4 years out in April. The way I maintain is when I go up 3-5 pounds I go on the strict Atkin's diet.(I weigh daily) It takes it back off within a week. I did gain 8 over the Holiday's and did the same thing only 3 weeks of Atkin's. I took it back off again without a problem. Get rid of the junk in the house, for me if its not there I'm forced to eat "legal" foods. Good Luck.
   — ZZ S.

March 23, 2004
Well, it looks like your weight gain has been the kick you need to get back into good (or at least better) eating habits. If you don't want to gain more (and I know you dont!) you'll get rid of all the junk in yur house and go back to basics. It's easy to say and hard to do. TRY to get yourself to a support group somewhere- even if you have to drive a bit- to get back in touch with 'who you are' - a WLS patient, not just a 'normal' person. Once we get to goal, I'm convinced that if we forget where we cam from, we'll be right back where we started, before we know it. Good for you for acknowledging you have a problem! Now, be brave, and strong, and try your best to rid yourself of the temptations and get back to basics. Good luck to you! I know yu can do it!!!

March 23, 2004
Hi Janet... Just read another poster's solution to the sweet tooth and thought I'd share it. I have no idea if it will work for you, but it sure seems to have worked for Kimberly. Here it is (below). Good luck with your dilemma. Paulette C. Posted Date : 03/23 05:31 AM PST Posted By : Kimberly Bogia Subject : An interesting product for controlling sugar binges Hi Folks, I've mentioned many times before that my quest for weightloss aids will never end. Every other week I'm trying something new....well I found something by chance. I chew a lot of sugar free gum to avoid some of the mindless munchies, so one day while looking at diet aids I found something called SugarFighter a "dieters gum"...never read the insert, just popped a peice in my mouth...was minty. I got home spit it out, and felt like a "little cereal" (at 8:00 at night btw)...I put some in my mouth and spit it out...I asked my hubby what was wrong with the cereal...He tasted it and said "nothing" anyrate, I didn't eat the cereal. I sat down a little later and decided to read about the gum I had been chewing. It didn't claim to be an appetite suppressent, or stop actually has an herb in it that attaches to the sweet receptors on your tongue...thus the yucky taste to my cereal. It controls sugar cravings. The affect lasts from 30-60 min, just enough time ! to stop a binge or head hunger. So I expirimented with the cereal again....tasted fine, chewed the gum for the suggested 3.5 min then the cereal had no taste...WORKED. The cool thing is, I'm a binge eater, and this stopped me dead in my tracks with the sweets (which is what I usually binge on). So I have expirimented (quite slyly) with folks I know...I hand them a small candy bar and tell them to enjoy it...have them chew the gum (which starts to taste nasty after about 4-5 min) and hand them another candy bar (with a grin)...they all react the same way...a bite, then a grimmace , then they throw out the rest... hehehe...I have bought up all the boxes I can find. I have found it in get 12 peices for 3.99 (at least locally in De)...a pack last me about two and a half days...It is kinda like a negative reinforcement thing, and hopefully once I get used to not eating sweets (a must) after dinner, maybe I can let go of my new crutch. At anyrate, I think it's a grea! t product, for those sugar addicts willing to self sabatoge t! he tongue temporarily. It's been quite helpful for me to gain control. I'll eat a reasonable amt. of a dessert (I wish I could skip, maybe some day) then I chew my gum and I am DONE. Hope this is helpful. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -140ish Check out Kimberly Bogia's profile: Do you have an answer to this question? If so, DO NOT reply to this email. Rather, click on the link below and post your reply there. That way everyone can see it:
   — wpc5032

March 23, 2004
I agree with the others. Best to get rid of all the "offending" foods. If you can't do it yourself, have your hubby, friend, sister, whoever - do it for you! And I must agree also that Atkins is a great way to knock off a few pounds real fast. You've done great catching yourself this early - you've only gained 3 pounds. You'll be fine, I bet. This is what "normal" thin people go through, I think. I friend of mine gained about 5 pounds, and her jeans got tight (she's always been thin), so she just told me that other day - time for me to diet! That's just the way it is, and probably the way it's going to be for all of us too. Also, why don't you try to find an activity or hobby that will occupy your hands and mind during the worst times? Or go to bed earlier? I know that sounds strange, but when I used to WW as a pre-op, and had run out of "points" for the day, I just went to bed. It made it a lot easier to resist the food, and I felt better for getting more sleep!
   — Carlita

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