Has anyone else gained a few pounds, but your clothes seem looser?

   — Jazzy (posted on February 17, 2004)

February 17, 2004
Yes - It happened to me when I upped my workouts and included strength training. I only gained about a pound or two then stayed the same for about 4 weeks but lost a whole pants size and quite a few inches during that time.<br> <br> Shadow<br> 295/184/150
   — Shadow51

February 17, 2004
Sure. Muscle or water weight. I rarely go by the scale anymore.
   — mrsmyranow

February 17, 2004
That has happened to me recently too. I had lost 8 or 9 pounds but put maybe 3 of them back on and then my pants got baggy. It is wierd but I think as time passes (I am 13 months out) things shift around and go back to where they are supposed to be and the waist slims out and the butt perks up, etc... With the rapid weight loss the fat just falls off but everything is not where it is going to end up. I have also been doing some strength training exercises so that could be a factor too.
   — Carol S.

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