Has anyone felt hungry soon after eating? Like within half an hour after eating.

I am 14 months post op and I have noticed that I feel hungry soon after I eat. I don't think that it is head hunger. My stomach growls and I have no problem eating again. When I eat I can honestly say that I am full. This has been going on for a month or so. I am not gaining, however I am not loosing either. I have had no complications and now I am concerned. Is this normal? Will the doctor think I'm nuts? Does anyone understand what I am talking about? Help!    — Rosemarie D. (posted on October 13, 2003)

October 13, 2003
I understand EXACTLY how you feel. It happens to me also. I am hungry ALL the time anymore and I am only two months from surgery. It is disappointing to me... I was hoping to be one of those people who had an AVERSION to food after surgery but that would be too good to be true for that to happen in my life. I guess we just have to watch what we eat. I also can eat all the BAD things like ice cream and candy and not get but MILDLY sickish. I think I am going to try protein drinks again for awhile. They seem to "curb" the appetite a little. God Bless and good luck in your journey.
   — Eleanore Davis

October 13, 2003
Are you transected? getting any reflux or heartburn? Have you been checked for mechanical flaw?
   — vitalady

October 13, 2003
I am also the same way. I eat all day and night now. My husband keeps yelling at me b/c after all I have been through im letting the food run my life again. I love food and I just can't give it up. I eat whatever I want(I do try to make better choices and of course I eat tiny amounts) and I don't gain and still even lose a pound once in a while. I went to Cedar Point yesterday and ate non-stop(munching) and I loved it LOL. Oh well, as long as im not gaining im going to enjoy my food :o) Good luck! 13mo post-op open rny lost 130# 3lbs til goal!!!
   — Sandy M.

October 13, 2003
If I eat carbs, I feel that way sometimes.
   — mrsmyranow

October 13, 2003
Ditto on the carbs. If I eat a dense protein meal (hamburger, chicken) it stays with me. If I eat carbs, I'm hungry in no time. Also make sure you're not drinking w/ meals.
   — mom2jtx3

October 13, 2003
I find when this happens it is because I've ate carbohydrates!
   — Danmark

October 13, 2003
I find that if I drink with or shortly after I eat I will get hungry right away. As long as I make that no drinking p eriod 15 minutes before and 45 minutes afterward I am okay. Hope you solve your problem and good luck! Lynda ME/FL
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 13, 2003
The doctor should not think you are nuts. Since this is a very recent thing in the scheme of 14 months I would get my butt into the surgeon and maybe have them scope you to see what's up. Kind of strange that it would be so sudden.
   — zoedogcbr

October 13, 2003
I go through much the same sensation--- eat on a schedule and then feel more hungry. Part of me questions if the food isn't somehow psychologically triggering hunger pangs; or if the use of the pouch and the flow of blood there does not stimulate the nerves which our brains interprets as hunger. In any event, I just force myself to wait it out-- typically the hunger sensation passes after less than 15 minutes and doesn't return.
   — SteveColarossi

October 13, 2003
Steve, I like your explanation. If I eat all protein and don't drink and my stomach is full, I still feel hungrier than before I ate. It is like my brakes failed. The only treatment is to wait until it passes. I do not have a stretched stoma or anyother apparent mechanical failure.
   — faybay

October 14, 2003
I am 18 months post op and go through the same things sometimes. There are days that I do not want anything at all to eat and then there are days where I am starving every five minutes it seems. I too find that when I eat carbs I am hungry again much sooner than when I eat heavy protein things. Maybe try cheeses and meats that will sit in your pouch for longer. Also are you drinking soon after you eat, when I do that I feel like it is gone almost instantly. Good Luck---Mel
   — Melissa P.

October 15, 2003
YES! that is me to a TEE!! I eat, get full rather quickly, then 30minutes to an hour later, I feel like I'm starving. I work and don't eat breakfast, but I eat lunch at 11:30. Since I only drink coffee in the morning, I am starving by lunch time. When I eat, I fill up quickly, but then hungry a short time later. It seems like once I eat, I am hungry the rest of the day. I also can eat more at supper time.. can you? I am 19 months out, down from 286 to 170... still would like to lose to 140, but stuck here for last couple of months!
   — Kay W.

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