Any special diet 2 weeks prior to surgery?

I am curious if I will be asked to eat a special diet or switch to liquids prior to surgery. Have heard yes and no or that it depends on the surgeon. What are the pros and cons to this? Thanks, my pre-op testing is June 9 and 10.    — Ann N. (posted on May 23, 2003)

May 23, 2003
Hi, Many doctors recommend an ATkins type diet even for a few weeks before the helps to shrink the liver a bit. I was told by an orthopedic surgeon before a back surgery to eat high protein before and after surgery, it promotes healing. This was successful for me with both a back surgery and my RNY...I healed well and quickly. After the WLS I used protein drinks including IsoPure and then Proscore. Good luck
   — Maureen R.

May 23, 2003
Hi I'm 8 days post-op ( down 13lbs) I was put on a full liquid diet 7 days prior to surgery, then clear liquids 2 days before. I never actually asked why. But, I'm assuming it was to lose a little more weight before, and more importantly, keep things a little light inside, if you know what I mean... lol. It really wasn't all that bad, and I just kept saying to myself, that it is all going to be worth it in the end. And -13lbs later it is. :-) Good Luck to you.
   — KellyJeanB

May 24, 2003
I am scheduled for sugery 6/9/03. My doctor wants me on a high protein, low carb diet for 2 weeks before surgery. He says it's to shrink my liver so it won't be in the way. I have to be on clear liquids 2 days before surgery, he didn't say why. But it does depend on the doctor. My sister-in-law had this surgery in december and her doctor didn't put her on any special diet other than nothing to eat after 4:00 the afternoon before surgery and nothing at all after 12:00. Anyway, I hope this helps.
   — Christy P.

May 24, 2003
Absoutely no special diet here. My only requirement was nothing by mouth after midnight the night before my surgery. Pretty easy... Shelley
   — Shelley.

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