Is it normal to have diarhea-type black stools 2 weeks Post-Op?

I had an Open RNY and my gall bladder out on a Monday, and came home that Friday. I've been home for 7 days now. I'm on a full liquid diet. Everything I've had is sugar-free. About four nights ago, I had about three hours worth of very mushy BM's that were very black, with a slight red tint. Startled, I called my surgeon and he told me that if it was black, it was most likely old blood in the system. I used Imodium to stop the runs. Now it's about 4 days later, and I felt the need to go again. This time it's still very mushy, and very dark black, but it seems the red tint it gone. Can anyone tell me if they also had these very black movements, and for how many days after surgery did they last? I've had sugar-free yogurt, and pudding. Also chicken broth. Could any of these be causing the problem (milk has never been an issue before)? Thank you, and God bless.    — Robert Neff (posted on April 25, 2003)

April 25, 2003
I am just over 3 weeks post-op and had the same thing. It does get more normal everyday. I didn't use any medication. They also took my gallbladder out. My diet didn't include anything except clear liquids.
   — blank first name B.

April 25, 2003
Are you taking Iron supplements or a multivitamin? These can discolor things too. Liquid diets, surgery make the movements weird. If you are having loose stools frequently, and notice much bright red blood call your doc again. Always err on the side of caution.
   — dimpkd

April 25, 2003
If you are drinking milk, I'd stop for a couple of weeks. Even if you never had a problem with it before, it could happen now, even temporarily. It could also be your vitamins or iron. What color jello are you eating? That can make things weird as well! I had really strange BM's for about 3 weeks, and now it's pretty much back to normal, after 4 months. :) Hang in there!
   — Diana L.

April 25, 2003
I had the same thing last year one week after I got home from a bowel resection operation. My stool was a reddish, blackish color. By the time I got to the doc about three days later after doing this all the time, I had to be re-admitted to the hospital. I had what is known as a G.I. Bleed and had to have three units of blood given to me. I had bled out so much that I couldn't stand on my feet I was so weak and dizzy. The blood is blacker if it old blood. Mine was also real gummy looking, tinged with the reddish black .
   — Delores S.

April 28, 2003
Are you eating chocolate sf pudding? before and after my surgery it always seemed to make it mushey and almost black, I think it was probably from the dye in the pudding.
   — wizz46

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