Does Sugarfree Gum effect weight loss?

   — Jazzy (posted on March 19, 2003)

March 19, 2003
Hi, has not slowed mine down, weighed myself this morning and I am down 201 lbs so far. If you are going to chew gum just be careful. If you swallow the gum it can cause lots of problems.
   — domestic G.

March 19, 2003
You will probably receive alot of yes no answers to this but you have to really decide for yourself what works and what dosnt in this case...the dr that did my surgery says dont chew gum because it promotes snacking and there fore will hinder your weight loss, however, i been chewing it since day one and hasnt effected me at all...dont swollow it though!! good luck
   — Deanna Wise

March 19, 2003
Aside from swallowing the gum (yowee!), I've heard that chewing it can promote swallowing air, which could prove painful. I'm a big gum chewer (sugarless, of course!), so I was a bit dismayed about this. But perhaps as the pouch heals, it will be less troublesome. Good luck!
   — momstah

March 19, 2003
Janet, It may sound crazy but sugarfree Trident bubblegum was all that kept me for nausea. I am 7 months po and from about 1 month out I found that if I chewed Trident sf bubblegum my nausea went away in a few short minutes. I gave this advise to a friend of mine who had surgery 6 weeks after me. And to this day we both keep it on hand and use it regularly. I think my Dr's only original concern was early on if I swollowed it on accident. Here's Chew Ya...
   — patti R.

March 19, 2003
my dr says gum is a definate no no.
   — candymom64

March 20, 2003
I love the stuff for me it takes away the urge to eat. I have heard it both ways. The hospital did not want people chewing for the fear that if they swallowed it it would block the pouch.
   — Kimmie C.

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