Trouble with the first I went to, How do I best approach the plastic surgeon?

I have an umbilical hernia and an incisional hernia. I was referred to a plastic surgeon and saw him last week. He was the most infuriating man I've ever met. Not only was he not concerned with the rash under my panni, he seemed to only want to discuss how "I let myself reach nearly 300 lbs. prior to having my surgery." I've lost from 252 lbs down to 117! I didn't have an appointment with him to be berated for having been obese my entire life!!! I just wanted to see if he could fix my hernias and help with insurance approval for abdominoplasty(sp?). My PCP is referring me to another surgeon. My question is how should I approach the new one to keep the focus on why I'm there and what should I say to get the best help with the insurance company? I have Aetna HMO and they were great with my RNY. It only took 10 days for approval. Of course, I heard that their guidelines have change recently, so do I have a chance? I have no doctors visits for the rash, but I do have 2 hernias.    — Teri D. (posted on March 18, 2003)

March 18, 2003
Don't worry about how to approach the plastic surgeon... I'm sure your approach was fine. That first one was just an ass. He certainly wouldn't have been a good choice if he wasn't even interested in using the rash information to get approval. All info should be included. Your WLS surgeon should be able to give you names of plastic surgeons that are familiar w/ WLS patients and won't go on and on like idiots!
   — mom2jtx3

March 18, 2003
Teri, while the PS you went to see first was certainly an ass, at least you found out BEFORE proceding any further. You have done a tremendously difficult, yet wonderful thing for yourself and your health! You're stronger and healthier now! There is no need to be apologetic to any doctor or other health care provider for what you were in the past. What matters now is that you've got a brand new lease on life. Just remember that you're the one in control here. You're the manager of the team that is helping you build the new Teri! If anyone you come across can't be a team player, then you don't *need* them. There are a LOT of great PS out there that are humane, understanding and what to be a part of your team. You go girl! Good luck with the search for just the right team member for you!
   — Jolinda C.

March 18, 2003
Sorry you had to deal with an asshole. My first plastic surgeon had a bad attitude as well(he was more concerned about what he could do for me that he would not turn in to insurance. I don't think Aetna will give you a problem. I just had my TT and arms approved through them and everything has turned out great. They also approved it fairly quickly. I wish you the best of luck! Sincerely, Mary Beth
   — Beffy W.

March 20, 2003
Teri, I had a similar experience with the first Plastic Surgeon I saw. Before he examined me he was talking about "out of pocket expense." I had a large incisional hernia and a very large apron. Upon seeing the hernia he quickly told me to get the hernia fixed and he would take care of the rest. It just seemed like he didn't want to be bothered. I think many plastic surgeons just want to take care of the beautiful people. I was very fortunate to find another plastic surgeon who has been WONDERFUL! He fixed my hernia and took care of my apron and I feel fantastic. Doctors work for us, so don't hire one until you have found one that will meet your needs. Many women in my support group have seen more than one plastic surgeon beore making their choice. Keep looking. The problem was with that surgeon not you.
   — Pamela B.

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