I feel mentally

I am 15 months out and have gotten to where I feel like I am in a fog all the time. I take my vitamins religiously. Can you tell me what you did to help yourself?    — Lisa J. (posted on March 7, 2003)

March 7, 2003
"Fog?" How are your labs doing? You should get a full workup done at least every six months, including a check on your iron, B-12, and calcium levels, and lots of related stuff ("stuff" being my medical term for it, others can explain it much better -- things like protein levels, albumin, CBCs, etc.). You can take your vitamins (whatever regime you're using -- and that's another question), and still be someone who needs adjustments based on how they're working (or not working) for you. No good way to tell without labwork, though.
   — Suzy C.

March 7, 2003
When you say in a "fog"...are you depressed? Or confused? Or all of the above? :o)
   — fropunka

March 10, 2003
This sounds like it may take your PCP and a good nutritionist to figure this one out. What has been working for you all this time may need some adjusting. Our bodies change all of the time with or without WLS. I was taking the same vitamins for years with not a problem, all of sudden I developed a reaction to one of them. It is really odd and can be very consuming. Good luck.
   — Diane S.

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