This is mostly a comment and then I need advice

I asked a question a couple days ago regarding what else can I do to be approved for brachioplasty (arms). I did have my dematologist send a letter in about the infection. Hopefully that will help. I had already sent in my own pictures as had the plastic surgeon. Next week I will probably have an answer. I am scheduled to have my breasts and stomach done on 3/31/03 with Dr. Rast in Kansas City. It will be done at Doctors Specialty Hospital. They said the procedure will take about 6 hours and will involve some lipo. I check in that morning at 6 a.m. and surgery is at 7:30. I have to go buy a couple sports bras that open in the front. And I will have to wear an abdominal binder. They did tell me to stop taking vitamin E at least one week prior to the surgery. The drain tube will be in my abdomen until the drainage is less than 30 cc in a 24 hour period--probably about 1 week. I can have nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before. I will be seeing a cardiologist on 3/4/03 just as a precaution because I had congestive heart failure after my RNY surgery last year. I live 3 1/2-4 hours from Kansas City and I live alone. My daughter will be taking me to the hospital and will stay during surgery and then leave. She'll come back for me 2 days later and I will stay with her for 1 week until I go back for my follow up. She lives 1/2 way between Kansas City and where I live in Hutchinson. They told me I won't be able to drive for 2 weeks, but I might try to do it after 8-9 days so I can go on home. Does anyone have any more info to help me or advice? I think I'm more nervous about this than I was for the RNY.    — jan M. (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 27, 2003
Jan I don't have any advice but If I can help you in anyway when you get home PLEASE let me know...I am right here in Hutch after all!!!! I'm tickled for you getting some of your PS done...I hope it all goes well!!
   — Deanna_K

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